Defective camera, send it in for repair.
The 'reflections' are a red herring*.
As Birna states the genuine star trails are distinct and quite different from the 'reflections' which appear on rocks, steel, concrete and even the underside of the handrail...
While there is good depth of focus, all the hot pixels are distinct, clear and sharp, right to the bottom of the image and where there are reflections of structures on the far shore, they are well diffused.
If this camera is new, then it should be returned, if it's used then it may well have already been returned for this fault, but sold again as a pup, in the expectation that not too many people take photographs in the dark... Except us of course! For anyone familiar with cleaning up star trail exposures the difference between a hot pixel and a star is like night and day.
* For readers not familiar with the expression:
A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue. It may be either a logical fallacy or a literary device that leads readers or audiences towards a false conclusion.