I was pretty happy to hear about the new NXD version with colourpoints, as, since I didn't want to say goodbye to NX2 after I got a D850, I up till then shot TIFF's rather then NEF's to be able to process my D850 images in NX2
While that was doable, I didn't feel (not a 'scientific' proof or conclusion) that I was getting the best end result doing so
So I finally upgraded my Macbook OS from 10.8 to 10.13.6 (had kept using the old OS since NX2 reportedly couldn't/wouldn't run on any latest versions OS) and installed High Sierra
The OS upgrade went smoothly without any hiccups, and when I was finished and restarted the system, I was happy to discover my old NX2.4.6 continued fully working despite the new OS, after which I installed NX D 15.0
My findings so far
- NX D 1.5.0 is more prone to crashing when using a lot of the Retouching options, and switching fast between them
Maybe my bad, but in NX2 I could easily switch between eg retrieving Highlights and/or Shadows, changing Exposure, Contrast and Saturation, and using multiple (10+) Colorpoints all the time without any problems. In NX D 1.5.0 I have to do so much more carefully, and at a much more leisurely speed, or it will shut down/crash
- On the positive side, the Color points in NXD work as advertised, although I up till now have more problems to apply them in extreme small area's compared to the 'old' ones in NX2
- As NXD works with side cars, I can't save copies of a processed NEF together with a copy of the original unedited NEF
Also, if I, intentionally or by accident, at a later moment, while eg tentatively playing around, click the option to return to the original settings at the moment when the image was taken, all my actions/modifications until then in the 'original file' are irretrievably deleted, and I am forced to start all over again from zero to return to the final 'modified' version
Only work around is to make a extra copy of the processed NEF in a separate folder, and use that as a 'don't touch but make a copy if somewhere in future you want to play around with it ' file
- NX 1.5.0 is in my experience slower with processing any modifications I make while processing a D850 NEF compared to a D850 TIFF in NX2. When eg applying modifications with a Color Point in NX D, I, while I can see the modification in the Navigator preview (which while does give a close up when eg zooming in, but unfortunately can not be enlarged to a larger sized image) have to wait some time before the result show in the full size preview I'm working on
- When I am done playing around with a NEF and want to convert it to a TIFF of JPG in NXD, this also takes a lot more time than I'm used to when doing so in NX2.
When I'm finished doing so while using the designated option, I don't immediately get a TIFF or JPG
Instead I get a 'document' with a non related to the original NEF name I can't open or preview, which only after a minute or so appears as the intended modified TIF or NEF
In NX2 this conversion is next to immediate (MacBook Pro i7 16GB memory 750+ GB SSD)
- IN NX2 it was possible to only very locally apply any sharpening, eg when only 'sharpening' an eye/the eyes in a portrait, by using Control Points in combination with the 'Unsharp Mask' tool
That option however seems to be lost/deleted in NXD 1.5.0
- Finally I at least for me important difference
In NX2 I can convert a file into B/W with the B/W filter options, which also allows modifying the result by, apart from Exposure and Contrast, varying the impact of color settings from eg green, yellow, blue and red, similar to using filters of those colors when shooting B/W film
In NX 1.5.0 that is no longer possible, I can only use/only have the B/W option in the Picture Control menu, which lacks the afore mentioned 'color filter' option
Maybe not a biggie for many, but at least for me it is
So bit of a mixed bag for me
I'm happy to be able to shoot NEF's with my D850 I can process in NX D 1.5.0
On the other hand I do miss the stability, speed and some of the above mentioned options of NX2
As however I find that despite/contrary many user reports NX2 keeps working under High Sierra, I'm equally happy I can still keep using NX2 for processing my D800, DF and D7100 NEF's, and also, if I want to, make some of the above mentioned modifications in converted D850 Tiff's and JPG's