Author Topic: Has anyone on the Forum bought the Sony a7riii or a7iii  (Read 2693 times)


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If so, what are your impressions/problems?
I've recently sold the Nikon D3S and Sony a7ii and some Sony FE lenses.  I was planning on D850 and Sony a7iii as replacements.
I have not been overly happy with the a7ii or a7rii but do enjoy them for Travel and walkabout with my current Batis, Loxia, VM, ZM and Leica M lenses.  For slow, methodical shooting they work well but the speed of operation and the hybrid AF make them unsuitable for most Events.
I currently use the D500, Df, a7rii and Pen F.  Monsoon is arriving in a couple of weeks so there will not be much birding and Soccer season ends so may wait on another Nikon.  I am thinking about a D750 as all purpose Nikon (good deals at the moment) .
It is really hard to get straight answers on Sony dedicated Forums/Sites.
Any thoughts on the 2 new Sonys will be appreciated .   I do not use Eye AF or Vids.  I o use Silent shooting and really want faster AF and instant shooting (that one is probably a dream)
Tom Hardin, Goa, India


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Re: Has anyone on the Forum bought the Sony a7riii or a7iii
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2018, 13:45:05 »
Tom, I haven't used neither models extensively, but at least I can say that the EVF of A7RIII is much better than that of A7III.  I used Panasonic GH5 for about eight month and hadn't suffered from the eye strain.  A7RIII uses the same 3.6+MP OLED screen as on GH5 for the EVF, whereas A7III uses the older 2.3+MP one that easily causes the eye strain, which is shame.

On a streaming broadcast of Camera Store TV, Rob Galbraith said that he was finally set free from his eye strain with A9 (which uses the same OLED as on A7RIII).

If the budget is of no concern, I would definitely go for A7RIII even for this single reason.
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Re: Has anyone on the Forum bought the Sony a7riii or a7iii
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2018, 18:30:57 »
Akira,  I really appreciate finding Rob Galbraith after a long time.   I am not sure about buying either Sony.  There are many "glitches" on the use that are not covered by the Manuals or reviewers  :( .  I really agree about the camera is a tool.   I also did pickup on his comments about the D750  :) .
If he does not think the a9 is there yet.... I am not one to argue.    I still have enough gear.  So sitting tight for a while is certainly an option.

Other than gear, the conversation about Photojournalism and Photography was very interesting.
Tom Hardin, Goa, India


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Re: Has anyone on the Forum bought the Sony a7riii or a7iii
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2018, 18:43:08 »
Akira,  I really appreciate finding Rob Galbraith after a long time.   I am not sure about buying either Sony.  There are many "glitches" on the use that are not covered by the Manuals or reviewers  :( .  I really agree about the camera is a tool.   I also did pickup on his comments about the D750  :) .
If he does not think the a9 is there yet.... I am not one to argue.    I still have enough gear.  So sitting tight for a while is certainly an option.

Other than gear, the conversation about Photojournalism and Photography was very interesting.

Glad to know the CSTV video helped you.  To tell the truth, I had replaced my D750 with GH5, but returned to D750 by replacing GH5 with it.   :o :o :o

I re-realize that D750 is a truly well-rounded camera, and the humble AF-S 50/1.8G is an admirable performer.
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Jacques Pochoy

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Re: Has anyone on the Forum bought the Sony a7riii or a7iii
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2018, 18:46:11 »
the humble AF-S 50/1.8G is an admirable performer.
I fully agree on that one... ;)
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Frank Fremerey

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Re: Has anyone on the Forum bought the Sony a7riii or a7iii
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2018, 18:55:45 »
You have the glass so you might get another glass holder to enjoy the glass. After playing with the thought of a second sans mirror system I said: no. Now I am very happy with my D500, D850 and a bag of Nikon glass.

My only deviation is the F100T as the smallest possible package and unintrusive intuitive shooting.
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Re: Has anyone on the Forum bought the Sony a7riii or a7iii
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2018, 18:57:42 »
I fully agree on that one... ;)

Actually I even think it is more than just an admirable performer.  :D

Tom, you may be interested in reading the Bloomberg article on Sony that Ron linked in another thread he started:,7473.msg121213.html#msg121213
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Re: Has anyone on the Forum bought the Sony a7riii or a7iii
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2018, 05:37:04 »
Hello Tom,

I have purchased an A7R III. It is my almost exclusive camera now. I have no problem with the EVF, as a matter of fact when I try again an SLR/DSLR, I realize I prefer the EVF.
The best point about the Sony A7R III is, IMHO, its versatility. It is expanding my shooting envelope, It is still small and light, even though it has grown in size and weight since the first generation. I have no issues with battery life, which lasts a day of heavy shooting, even in the cold (- 20°C). Image quality is excellent, of course.
My main problem with the camera is the configuration. The amount of options is overwhelming and you need to spend time to get the most out of it. However, I do not mind a learning curve if there is an outcome (growing my capacity).

For the lenses, I use only primes, Sony or Zeiss. The good ones are expensive, but the sensor is demanding. Using vintage lenses with adapters does not give results that I consider acceptable. I regret that there are no native tilt-shift lenses available.

Overall I am extremely satisfied with the camera.


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Re: Has anyone on the Forum bought the Sony a7riii or a7iii
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2018, 14:34:34 »
Thank you, I am glad you are enjoying the camera.  Since I shoot action and have the lenses I cannot afford to go down to one camera.  I have a buyer for my a7rii but not sure I need to go for an a7riii for the things I use Sony for.  I am leaning towards a D750 and just put everything on hold.  I just feel so darn comfortable using the D750  :) .  After using the a7rii for a couple of years I may go back to the D850 plan .  The D850 is $500 less than my best price on an a7riii.
Tom Hardin, Goa, India