Birna: which RAW converter supports the S5pro?
A few do. Fuji's own Hyper-Utility v3, Silkypix, Rawtherapee, Lightroom/ACR (at least the earlier versions up to 4.x), S7RAW, Darktable (?), Bibble 4.x, Photo Ninja (45%). Amongst these several only support the 6 MPix mode and ignore the actual layout, Photo Ninja being a particularly bad example as it not only ignores the extra pixels but also turns the image 45 degrees (sic).
Hyper-Utility v3 if you can get hold of the software
and it installs on your computer -- neither condition of which is guaranteed; otherwise I'd recommend Silkypix 8.x as it allows fine-control over the processing. Silkypix is not freeware though yet has a vastly less impenetrable user interface than Fuji's own software which is a competitor for the worst program ever written.
All S5Pro images posted here are run through Silkypix.