call me Curious George, but I had an opportunity to have three of my lenses measured in an optical bench by a colleague/friend. Do these numbers seem reasonable to you, are these accurate enough for government use?
AI 50mm f/1.8 - f=51.61mm, epd=28.66mm, N=1.80
AI 50mm f/1.2 - f=50.14mm, epd=41.66mm, N=1.20
AI 55mm f/1.2 - f=55.48mm, epd=45.38mm, N=1.22
(legends: f=focal length, epd= entrance pupil diameter, N=relative aperture)
The accuracy of these measurements determines whether I'll get him as thank you a bottle of Chardonnay or a bottle of vinegar.

He is not an optics pro, but I believe he knows his stuff.