Author Topic: ((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))  (Read 2656 times)


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((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))
« on: April 24, 2018, 03:27:31 »
Okay, so I have been vacillating on whether or not to get a D850 and join the herd, or to wait for Nikon to come out with a mirrorless equivalent to the D850.
(I must've ordered, and canceled, at least three D850 purchases in the last month + :-\)

I finally decided to go for it. I hit the "buy" button ... and waited ... and waited ... and waited ... but the 'backorder' status remained.

[As a side note, forgetting I was a NPS (Nikon Professional Services) member, I contacted my local NPS representative on Friday, and today (the very next Monday), my D850 has been shipped and is in route, via overnight delivery ;D ... NPS IS GREAT 8)]

However, the purpose of this post is trying to share my thoughts in assessing the cost-versus-depreciation risk analysis in an environment where purchasing expensive gear for a DSLR (that may quickly become extinct) has been troubling to me. My tax guy and I considered the alternatives.

Right now, in my growing business, most of my purchases are write-offs anyway, so I am in a good position :)
However, even if I could not write anything off, the D850 + the 3 additional 'E' lenses I intend to purchase really don't add-up to much, all things considered.

Since, my desire is to purchase the D850 + the 8-15mm E + 28mm f/1.4E and the 105mm f/1.4E ... added-up, this is a roughly ~$8,500 expenditure for a top DSLR + 3 top E lenses. (I pay cash, I don't finance, so there is no hidden interest rate to worry about.)

My tax guy asked me to give a reasonable time period for the life expectancy of this purchase. I told him 10 years, but he divided that in half, 'just to be safe.'
  • $8,500 total ÷ 5 yrs. = $1,700/yr.
  • $1,700/yr. ÷ 12 mo. = $142/mo.
  • $142/mo ÷ 1 wk. = $33.15/wk.
  • $33.15/wk. ÷ 7 days = $4.75/day.
In reducing a seemingly-large purchase, factored by considering the years of service, and then dividing down to the week/day, it's a ridiculously-low price to pay to invest with the best camera + optics in their respective classes.

Together we reasoned that waiting for 2-3 years (or beyond), for a complete mirrorless system "to develop", would actually cost more (in downtime) than just buying perfectly-great equipment now, enabling myself to use it now, and then sorting things out for later.

There really is no way to lose ;D

WORST CASE SCENARIO: In 5 years, my DSLR + lenses are worth nothing, so what does that mean? Er, I've been able to enjoy fabulous gear every day, for 5 years, for the cost of a hamburger/day :D;

MID-CASE SCENARIO: In 5 years, mirrorless are prevalent, but my gear can still be sold at $0.50/ on the dollar (or even adapted to mirrorless), so I've been enjoying superb gear for less than $2.50/day ... and can still enjoy it :D;

BEST-CASE SCENARIO: In 5 years, both mirrorless and DSLR are still out there, they're just two different niches, and (as above) I've been enjoying great gear all along ... while others are "waiting" ...

In all cases, equipping myself 'now' (rather than 'waiting') makes the most sense.

So I will have my D850 tomorrow ... and I am no longer worried about 'whether I should wait or buy now' ... now is the time 8)


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Re: ((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2018, 03:36:31 »
enjoy  :o :o :o

Nasos Kosmas

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Re: ((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2018, 05:39:20 »
Follow your heart you live once :)

Jack Dahlgren

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Re: ((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2018, 06:49:23 »
I find the most expensive camera is the one that is not used.
Using a metric like cost per image is somewhat more useful to me than cost per day.
Looking at your eBay auction for your D810, it looks like the camera cost you somewhere around 20 cents per image which compares reasonably with the cost of 35mm film.

My Df has about 12000 exposures and was purchased as refurbished so I’m doing a bit better than that.

However, in my closet I have a few medium and large format cameras. A Speed Graphic which cost me $35 and has been well worth that. A baby speed graphic (2”x3”) which cost a hundred or so and delivered quite a few rolls of images, a Rolleiflex which was cheap, but underused (maybe only 10 rolls) and the costliest of all, a wonderful mahogany and titanium 4x5 from Ebony. Time conspired against me with that one as I’ve only ever found time to take and develop fewer than a hundred exposures with it. It is such a lovely thing that I would hate to sell it, but if I look at things economically that would seem the best choice before film really does die and it becomes archaic. Dividing the cost of the Ebony over years I’ve had it is meaningless. What matters is usefulness and of course joy, which is difficult to put a price on but which drives many of the people here to keep everything they ever bought even if they have not used it in decades.

You sound joyful with your new purchase, so it is already paying off for you. Please post images as you get them.

Frank Fremerey

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Re: ((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2018, 17:57:58 »
stop smoking and the camera is for free ....

I was never into cars, drive whatever suits the purpose. My car is worth 500€, I do not care, as long as it works. My neighbours spend tens of thousands for cars and motor cycles, I could not care less....

Soooo 8500€? I guess I spent more that that for legal aid last year that was later paid by the opponents of course. I do not fight fights I am not sure to win.

For 8500€ I cannot even buy a decent bathroom and I am about to build eight of these....

so do not bother. The D850 is great, the 8-15E is superb, I love my 105E as well, never liked 28mm as a focal length....

don't worry, be happy
You are out there. You and your camera. You can shoot or not shoot as you please. Discover the world, Your world. Show it to us. Or we might never see it.



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Re: ((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2018, 19:04:57 »
You sound joyful with your new purchase, so it is already paying off for you. Please post images as you get them.

Thanks, Jack, I will.

I am actually perfectly happy with the D810 ... and prefer the file size.

However, the LCD is horrible, and I am looking for the D850's vast improvement in that regard. (If the D810 had the same D500/D850 LCD, I would have kept it.)

Another thing I am looking forward to is the in-body focus stacking of the D850. For both landscapes and macro.

I am in love with the 300 PF and am going to be incorporating in-body focus-stacking of the D850 for my wildlife floral/butterfly pics, as I grow accustomed to utilizing this feature.

I don't think enough people are really exploring the possibilities there, but I see it as a great bonus (that the D810 did not offer) to explore and get a real good handle on.

Plan on keeping the D850 as long as it still works, which is why I reduced the expenditure down to a 'daily usage' trivial cost ... to make it seem less of a risk ... and more of a no-brainer :)

The cost of 'not having now' (to my way of rationalization) is, ultimately, worse than the expenditure.

chris dees

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Re: ((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2018, 19:08:00 »
IMHO the D850 is better in every aspect than the D810 except file size. Enjoy it. :)
Chris Dees


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Re: ((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2018, 19:15:22 »
IMHO the D850 is better in every aspect than the D810 except file size. Enjoy it. :)


I am sure I will agree with you ;D


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Re: ((( D850 on its way ... and NPS is Great :)))
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2018, 19:19:58 »
The D850 is great, the 8-15E is superb, I love my 105E as well, never liked 28mm as a focal length....

don't worry, be happy

I will eventually replace my Zeiss 15 and Zeiss 21 with Nikon 'E' equivalents, when they come out. (I think I will keep the Zeiss 25, because of its uniqueness.)

Same with the 50/55/58mm (whichever 1.4 Nikon 'E' comes first).

Regarding focal length preferences, for accident investigations 28mm is the perfect focal length for documenting vehicle damages ... and I believe it is also good for habitat shots for wildlife (showing the terrain in which they were found), while the 15-20mm focal lengths are a bit too wide, imo.