IMO, the kind of "bokeh" at the site linked, after about the first one (which is pleasant), just does not interest me. It is too much for me and I find it harsh and no fun looking at. Just shows how we each are different and see (and like) things differently.
It all came basically from some Asian photographers who developed some interest in that kind of "crazy" bokeh - and the price of thoese lenses, especially Dallmeyer went through the roof. This then triggered some interest in Indonesia, Europe and the US and people took out their Triolpans and posted many "soap bubble" images (still do) and the price of that lens went crazy too. BUt this was rather moderate bokeh.
There is another direction, showing very creamy and smooth BG rendering, so just the opposite of the above, especially for shooting portraits with needed BG separation, hence where very long and very fast lenses came in fashion, namely the Zeiss Visionar and other high speed, double gauss projection lenses (like Bausch & Lomb, ISCO, Schneider,...). I personally tend to this latter type more, but sometimes it itches me to do the "asian crazy bokeh style" just for the fun of it...
PS: please be reminded that Toby uses software for micro contrast and structural enhancements to bring out this "special" bokeh, most such lenses behave much more "normal" if used "out of cam" ... so don't blame such lenses please, if you do not like such, they can perform much more pleasing.... :-)
So there is obviously room for both and plenty of suitable lenses to support both "tastes". ;-)