I started photographing just a couple of months ago, and found macro photography to be both interesting and fascinating. Bought a used Niok D3300 and since I couldn't afford a macro lens younger than myself I ended up buying a Nikon Micro-NIKKOR 55mm f/3.5 from 1969. :-D I use this with both extension tubes and a bellow. There has been a lot of experimenting and mumbling over unknown words like ISO, f-stop, DOF and many other words that at first gave no meaning. I know what some of them mean now. :-P
But as a new photographer I'm very unsure about the results I'm getting, so here are some examples from a walk i the local botanical garden yesterday. Great weather but a bit windy. Most of the flowers were unwilling to keep still and in the frame for more than a few milliseconds. :-D Please give me some feedback, tips, critique and advice.