Author Topic: A Micro-Nikkor 55mm Comparison Discussion  (Read 16741 times)

Øivind Tøien

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Re: A Micro-Nikkor 55mm Comparison Discussion
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2018, 12:49:15 »
Thanks again, Roland. Your 55mm f/3.5 is also of the latest series, so agree that it is likely similar to my copies. It would be interesting with an infinity test too. I agree that oily residues could have been an undetected issue on the f/2.8 version I tested. No filter was attached, of course. My coworker still has his lens; he had it serviced in the mean time and will bring it in to work later in the week so that I can get to examine it again.

I had the 55mm f/2.8 for inspection again today, and opposed to the saying above I am not sure it had been serviced; the helicoids were still very stiff, and the aperture started acting up towards the end outside at about 0°C. However no oil was visible on either side of a fully closed diaphragm. Serial no is in the first series, 433xxx.

This time it was hard to see much difference in contrast; if any it is very subtle. It is possible that the conditions contributed, but it is also possible that the lens was cleaner one way or the other than last time. What was consistent with last test was that the 55mm f/2.8 was leaning towards being warm/green vs. colder/blue-magenta for the 55mm f/3.5. Due to trouble with consistent focus (too bright to use live view for accurate focus) it was hard to detect any difference in resolution near infinity.

100% crop 55mm f/3.5 AI at f/8

100% crop 55mm f/2.8 AI at f/8

The lens looked reasonably clear, although with a little blue shimmer internally that I could not quite figure out.

Øivind Tøien


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Re: A Micro-Nikkor 55mm Comparison Discussion
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2018, 20:09:07 »
Hi all.

I have the MF 55 f/3.5 micro factory Ai'd. Or so it was sold to me as. Since we seem to have a panel of experts here perhaps someone could tell me the likely mfg date. I am guessing 1967. It was shipped to me in the most interesting plastic enclosure (they should do all their lenses this way). It didn't occur to me to use it for landscape photography since I have so many other lenses for that but I shot a few quick test shots today and it was not bad. Here are some pictures in case anyone can help me to identify the lens for certain. All but  the box were shot with the 105 AFD Micro on my D810 at f/32. This is a compensating lens.


Matthew Currie

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Re: A Micro-Nikkor 55mm Comparison Discussion
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2018, 23:45:30 »
Just in case Roland Vink hasn't yet noticed this, here's a link everyone should have handy:

According to that it's probably 1968


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Re: A Micro-Nikkor 55mm Comparison Discussion
« Reply #48 on: March 25, 2018, 00:00:44 »
Hi Mathew.

Thanks, that seems to be the one.



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Re: A Micro-Nikkor 55mm Comparison Discussion
« Reply #49 on: March 25, 2018, 03:35:09 »
I have the MF 55 f/3.5 micro factory Ai'd. Or so it was sold to me as.

I do believe yours was factory AI'd.

The original aperture ring was scalloped (as your focus ring is scalloped), the look of which I prefer quite frankly.

Your aperture ring is now the 'checkered' look of AI/S lenses, which is not the original (preferred, imo) appearance.