Author Topic: Rumor-mongering for Sony users Voigtlander Macro APO Lanthar 110mm f/2.5  (Read 3925 times)


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So it looks like no Macro APO Lanthar 125 f2.5

If the 65mm is an indication it could be sweet but size, weight and magnification?
Tom Hardin, Goa, India

Erik Lund

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Voigtlander Macro APO Lanthar 110mm f/2.5 lens for Sony
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2018, 08:15:43 »
Wow, looks like they are indeed in for treat!
JA will be delighted  ;)
Erik Lund


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YUP,  and if he gets to try one he can say how it compares to his 125mm f2.5.   That would be interesting  :) .  It is only slightly larger than the APO Lanthar FE 65 f2 (8 mm longer and .4mm wider) but has filter size of 58mm.  Smaller than my DC105 f2D, which I use on the Sony a7xx.   Could replace my FE 90 f2.8 Macro.  Interesting, but a "wait and see"  :)
Tom Hardin, Goa, India


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Arg make one for nikon already  >:( >:( :( :'(
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Oskar O

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The 65/2 Apo-Lanthar is excellent, hope that this one performs at the same level! Would make a nice focal length spacing.

Roland Vink

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It might not have sufficient clearance from the rear element to work with SLR cameras, otherwise they might have made it in Nikon and Canon mounts ...?

Jan Anne

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It might not have sufficient clearance from the rear element to work with SLR cameras, otherwise they might have made it in Nikon and Canon mounts ...?
Exactly, Voigtlander is releasing a lot of dedicated full frame mirrorless lenses and currently Sony is amazingly still the only one with such mount.

I've said this a few times before, when Nikon or Canon finally do release an FX mirrorless camera these lenses from Voigtlander, Zeiss, etc will follow soon as well whereas Sony users had to wait for years for a decent lens lineup :)

As for this particular lens, still happy with the original 125/2.5 ;)
Jan Anne


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As for this particular lens, still happy with the original 125/2.5 ;)
I thought you would probably say that  ;)
Guess we will have to wait for one of the other members that shoots both Nikon (or other), Sony and the 125mm give us their thoughts on how they compare.  Pretty long thread on FM.  My wife is in UK now so it will be a long time before I can even think about getting one (India's only Voigt dealer stopped handling them some time back).  I've sold more gear so can be ready and able depending .... :)
Tom Hardin, Goa, India


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It might not have sufficient clearance from the rear element to work with SLR cameras, otherwise they might have made it in Nikon and Canon mounts ...?

Sony rained them with cash, so they are designing and making E-mount only lenses. I'm gonna say even if Nikon's Z-mount of whatever mirrorless comes out, an official compatible one will not be made. It may be possible to adapt it, who knows.
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Eddie Draaisma

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Both the 10mm F/5.6 Heliar-hyper wide and the 40mm F/1.2 Nokton were introduced in e-mount, but are now also available in M-mount. Also, the announced 50mm F/1.2 Nokton will (at least initially) be M-mount-only...

These (relatively small) MF lenses are fun to work with, and MF focussing works like a charm with the A7riii EVF.


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Both the 10mm F/5.6 Heliar-hyper wide and the 40mm F/1.2 Nokton were introduced in e-mount, but are now also available in M-mount. Also, the announced 50mm F/1.2 Nokton will (at least initially) be M-mount-only...

These (relatively small) MF lenses are fun to work with, and MF focussing works like a charm with the A7riii EVF.

A friend just got the 40mm and he absolutely loves it. He got the Leica M version and adapted to Fuji. It sounds like a beautiful lens. I love CV lenses.
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I was hoping this would have happened earlier.  I checked with Robert White UK and they have no info on UK availability.   There is no longer a Cosina (Voigtlander) dealer in India.  Still no info on weight but I am very interested in this lens and have held off on some other purchases.  My wife is in the UK at the moment but we have no plans for International travel for the remainder of the year.
Anyone here planning of buying or are most waiting until it in the hands of users?
Tom Hardin, Goa, India