Only AF D lens I deliberately 'replaced' for an AF S version was my 2.8/80-200 AF D
It had been my trusted companion and bread and butter lens for nearly 20 years from my F801S/F90/F90X/F100 film shooting days
into my early forays in digital photography with the D70S/D1/D1X/D1H/D2
The softness when used wide open, partly because of taste, partly due to the max usable ISO of both film and digital camera's mentioned,
wasn't a problem for me then
But when I got a D800 in 2012, that softness was ruthlessly exposed
And as I used that lens for bread and butter work, I had to upgrade to a 2.8/70-200 VRII to be sure to have the fastest AF and get the sharp images possible (up to a certain level) for that type of shooting
But as 2.8/80-200 AF D starts getting offered at quite low/bottom prices, I'm considering to get one again, just for 'fun'
Have had a 2.8/35-70 AF D in the past, sold that lens though not out of desire for an AFS upgrade
Simply found the focal range not wide with 35mm, and not long enough with 70mm, for paid event shootings like weddings, or company events I mainly used it for
As I rarely shoot using a wide angle anyway, I didn't want to spend to much money on a replacement and got a 2nd hand 3.5-5.6/24-85 AFS (no the VR) instead, for the wider focal range, and because it was cheap
I'm quite/very satisfied with my 1.4/85 AF D and 2/135 DC, simply like the softer/less contrasty (compared to modern lenses like the Zeiss and Sigma's) image rendering of those (and other) older lenses, and even have started 'collecting' older pre Ai lenses for that reason, most recently a pre AI Nikkor P 2.5/105mm
Don't plan to replace them for an AFS version, and have spent the money thus 'saved' for a more recent lens with nevertheless a similar 'old fashioned' image rendering, the 1.4/58mm AFS
Also have a 1./85 AF D and a 1.4/50mm AF D, but as I don't use them for serious work (basically only use them as 'longer fixed focal lengths on my 'grab and go' D7100, together with the standard 18-55 kitlens I have left from my D70S) don't see any need to replace them for AFS versions either