Author Topic: Help needed. Copal Square Shutter/Nikkormat  (Read 4245 times)


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Help needed. Copal Square Shutter/Nikkormat
« on: December 27, 2017, 02:54:43 »
Hello, anybody has any information on how to adjust the shutter speed of the Nikkormat without having to pull the whole shutter assembly out?

It seems that the Copal Square was designed not to be easily serviceable and is a self-contained module.

I was talking to an old-timer repair guy here and the SOP for them back then was when they receive a bad Nikkormat, they would just replace the whole shutter assembly. Surely there is a way to fix it that is much more sustainable.

I am making a Nikkotmat series and I would like to add this to the series.  :o :o :o


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Re: Help needed. Copal Square Shutter/Nikkormat
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2017, 09:20:29 »
OK, I give up...

after talking to another repairman, he told me that this is near impossible to calibrate without a jig. :o :o :o

it is possible but certainly not worth the effort.

now I know why the SOP for Nikon was to replace the whole module with a new one from Copal  ::)

David H. Hartman

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Re: Help needed. Copal Square Shutter/Nikkormat
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2017, 10:18:29 »
I had a Nikkormat FTn back in 1970. Does that help? I later had a Nikkormat FT3 but sold it in a week. I had a technique when shooting an F2 where I put a bit of pressure on the advance lever. As soon as I tripped the shutter the film advance started and the camera was ready for another shoot a bit faster. I can't remember but maybe that locked up the shutter release. Anyway I could not reconcile the FT3 to the F2 so I sold a mint FT3 to a friend.

Anyway I'm wondering why no one else hasn't posted to this thread. Didn't anyone here own a Nikkormat FTn or FT2 or FT3?

Dave Hartman
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Bent Hjarbo

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Re: Help needed. Copal Square Shutter/Nikkormat
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2017, 11:48:24 »
I still own the FTn I bought new in 1974, my only issue was that after a rewind of the film, the release wouldn’t engage again, was solved, with the help of my pocket knife ;) Changed battery once and it I think it is still working ::)
There was something wrong once when I took a picture of the Hollywood sign, so I did not get it :(


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Re: Help needed. Copal Square Shutter/Nikkormat
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2017, 12:12:03 »
Richard, I have all of the mechanical Nikkormats (also known as Nikomats in Asia):  FS (meterless model), FT, FTn (with and without split image screens and with and without plastic tipped film advance levers and all with mercury batteries), FT2 (with silver batteries), and FT3 (also with a silver batteries and Ai metering and lens mounting). 

I collect Nikkormats like some folks I know collect 50mm f/3.5 micro lenses......... ;D  ;D  ;D

I have found the Copal shutters to be fairly reliable and accurate.  I have given my FTn and black FT3 a lot of work.  Simple cameras with nice ergonomics and not too expensive for an impoverished student back then.

I also have some of the electronic shutter versions, which culminated in the Nikkormat EL and Nikon EL.  These had an expensive 6 volt battery under the mirror, which seemd to last for only a few seconds each.......  These were the forerunners of the Nikon FE.  Although they bore the Nikkormat name, they were really a different beast, and I never warmed to them (also they were comparatively expensive ~ twice the price of their mechanical counterparts).

The FTn was my first SLR and I got it and its 50mm lens new in 1974 when I came to Australia on a post doctoral fellowship.  It had the 50mm f/1.4 S.C. lens, which has since had the factory Ai ring added and one of Bjoern's metering chips.  Still a nice lens which is still used by me.  This was followed by the 105mmf/2.5 K lens and a 28mm (seven element) lens.  Both of these also had factory Ai rings added and are now chipped.  And yes they are still used.   

Like many SLRs of the 1970/80 era, watch the mirror cushions and light seals - unless replaced they will have turned into a shitty sticky black gunk by now.  There is one of these seals inside the camera body that is not always apparent and which drops rubbish into the shutter blades and causes them to stick.  Nothing for it but to pull the body apart and clean everything out.  I have a repair manual somewhere if interested..

Hugh Gunn


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Re: Help needed. Copal Square Shutter/Nikkormat
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2017, 14:10:01 »
i currently serviced 6 nikkormats including the EL  :o :o :o

I am going to write a nikkormat compendium next year.

the copal shutters are very reliable and robust but they do get faulty. I will see what I can do with cleaning them.

getting them off the camera can be difficult because one edge is glued to the chassis. otherwise only 3 screws hold the shutter assembly down.


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Re: Help needed. Copal Square Shutter/Nikkormat
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2017, 14:39:49 »
Richard, I will hunt down my Nikkormat repair manual and get back to you via a PM.  I suspect that it is in storage, so bear with me.
Hugh Gunn


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Re: Help needed. Copal Square Shutter/Nikkormat
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2018, 02:48:04 »
Richard, I have just sent you a PM and a link to the same manual that I have.  Cheers

Richard, I will hunt down my Nikkormat repair manual and get back to you via a PM.  I suspect that it is in storage, so bear with me.
Hugh Gunn