had the opportunity to acquire one for the F-mount. not cheap even in junk condition
my impression after overhauling it is Nikon did plenty of cost-cutting with this lens. the overall impression was "cheap". the lens didn't even have a proper helicoid.
it uses a cam to extend or retract.
there was an article on an old japanese magazine (nikon official gazette) titled "why arent these things selling!?" and the cause was the impression of cheapness. it wasnt popular even though it was sold for almost 50% less than the excellent Nikkor-P 10.5cm f/2.5 Auto. people just saved-up and got the more expensive lens. after which, nikon vowed never to produce anything like this (cheap for low-end market) until Series-E (reputation was damaged a bit). it only sold for about 3 years.
my friend is going to find that article on his library and maybe i could scan it for posterity's sake. the tone was of disappointment and learning from marketing mistakes.
its a sharp lens wide-open but contrast is a little bit muted but adequate. it certainly has a character of its own. its able to produce decent bokeh/blur but flaring was terrible. there are only 3 elements so ghosting wasnt really a problem. its an enjoyable lens to carry around, very tiny and lite.when i mate it with my Df it made my setup look like a mosquito because of the tapered look. ok, maybe an elephant sounds better. its phallic if you can even say that.
resolution is kind of low to be honest but for film it seemed OK as I checked my index print and negatives. i will post some pictures when i have time. i like it but i dont see myself using it often. since it is preset, i had to remove my split prism from my Df because even at f/4 the prism can blackout at times. this is certainly not a popular lens and not a lot of information online about this thing apart from historical stuff.