The two main islands of New Zealand are un-imaginatively called "North Island" and "South Island", along with a number of place names such as "East Cape", "North Cape" and "Westland". At least you have a good idea of where to find them

In recent years it is sometimes called "Middle Earth" since the film trilogies Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit were filmed here.
Back to the OP, lovely colours and composition, nice work.
Unfortunately Lupins (the flowers) for all their beauty, are a weed here in NZ. New Zealand has many "braided" river systems where the river course meanders and changes course with flooding across a wide gravelly valley. Lupin roots bind the gravel and force the river into fixed channels. Since Lupins are legumes they fix nitrogen and increase fertility which encourages other plants to grow, which changes the nature of the river system. A number of native birds nest on braided rivers, so loss of habitat and increased cover for predators from Lupins and other plants means they are highly endangered.