Author Topic: Best sharpening settings for Nikon D850 in Capture One  (Read 3362 times)


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Best sharpening settings for Nikon D850 in Capture One
« on: November 22, 2017, 18:24:34 »
Hi, I am looking for the best sharpening settings for the Nikon D850 in C1. I would appreciative any suggestions, thank you!
Micha Theiner


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Re: Best sharpening settings for Nikon D850 in Capture One
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2017, 00:16:15 »
C1 does a great job using its default sharpening settings. This is true for viewing C1 pictures on a monitor.

If you are outputting jpegs you may need to add a little more sharpening. C1 has a setting that lets you preview the jpeg image before doing the export so you can judge if more sharpening is needed.

David H. Hartman

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Re: Best sharpening settings for Nikon D850 in Capture One
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2017, 10:44:04 »
I'm not blessed with a D850 nor have I used Capture One. I will say this: one size fits all sharpening may not fit all images. Sharpening is lousy: too much sharpening can destroy fine detail. The higher the resolution of the camera, the sharper the lens, the tigher the shooting technique the more fine detail there is to loose. I use small radius sharpening on fine detail. Coarse detail may need stronger sharpening. Areas with no detail should get no sharpening. Finally I remove in camera sharpening in post and do little or no sharpening until I'm creating an image as final output.

My final image comes from Photoshop. After almost all other post processing is done I duplicate the image flatened. Next I duplicate the base layer and do no sharpening to the base layer.  The second layer I call "Sharp." I may sharpen it a bit too much. Now I'll fade the opacity for the "Sharp" layer for the intended use. When down sampling I do the sharping in stages along with the down sampling. I sharpen first, then down sample. I find down sample with sharpening too crude. The last thing is convert to sRGB color space and then to 8 bit. Now I save a JPG as final output.

Dave Hartman who wants software that reads his mind like a magazine and does just what pleases him.
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Re: Best sharpening settings for Nikon D850 in Capture One
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2017, 16:22:57 »
Hi, I am looking for the best sharpening settings for the Nikon D850 in C1. I would appreciative any suggestions, thank you!

I don't have a D850, but a D810. Should be close enough for fine detail.

I leave C1 to its default for capture sharpening (when you open raw in C1). Then, depending on the target (recipe) i have dialed in sharpening. Indeed, as David says, sharpening is related to output size and medium. Hence, i have different output recipes in C1 for different sizes and media.

YMMV and trial and error etc.  8)
Hans Cremers