It seems that this 1,2/55 Nikkor O and the fabulous 5,6/105 Apo EL are the best for "low" magnifications between 0,2 (1;5) and 0,5x (1:2)...Just what you're looking for your wonderful flower works, Michael if I'm right ?
But if you compare them with the 4/45 Schneider apo-componon lens (sharpness vs magnification or resolution vs magnification) it seems that lens is "better" from 0,7x to 3x ?
At 0,5x the micro-Nikkor 2,8/55 Ais seems also a winner : in the "lens hall of fame" it has a better rank than 1,2/55 O or 5,6/105 apo EL...(sharpness, resolution and corner sharpness)...
These charts (sharpness vs magnification / resolution vs magnification) are made at the best aperture of the lens ? But best aperture changes with magnification, if I'm right (diffraction...).
So if I can't find a 1,2/55 O or 5,6/105 Apo EL, seems that I can do it with Micro-Nikkors or find an Apo Componon 4/45 (easy to find and much cheaper).
Would like to see a comparison between the legendary Apo EL-Nikkors 105/150 mm and other (moderns) Apo Componons or Apo-Rodagons...(4/80, 4,5/90, 4/105 and 4/150).