Yes, I agree. I think there is a place for a stripped down camera with fewer settings. I'm sure that would be hard for Nikon to do...risky.
1) review all the custom settings, try them.
2) save one's own defaults in a BIN file to the primary memory card (only card if a camera only has one).
3) backup that BIN file to one's primary computer.
4) wright protect the BIN file on the primary memory card so it can't be over-written in camera.
5) only format the primary memory card at one's computer.
6) restore the BIN file after formatting and again write protect it.
7) Load the BIN file, restore it in camera when ever needed with the in camera's menu option.
There will never be a dSLR from Nikon or anyone else as simple as a Nikon F with standard prism: shutter speed, aperture, focus. It won't happen. There will never be a dSLR from Nikon or anyone as simple as a Nikon F3 add metering, ISO, Exposure Compensation and Aperture Preferred automation. Nikon would be stupid to try such a camera. It would not sell.
Customize the settings to one's preference and save them. Restore them as often as needed. One could finalize the custom settings for a camera like the Nikon Df in a week and then use those settings unchanged for months or years at a time. There is nothing wrong with making a camera that can be customized to a customers preference. The problem comes when something is miss set and the camera does not perform as expected.
Nikon does not offer in a high end dSLR with a simple way to save one's personal defaults in the camera and restore them quickly and safely. I believe this is a mistake. I would love to see a menu accessed U1, U2, U3 and U4. It could be added to the custom settings, accessed with a double press of the info button and added to "My Menu." These U setting should be protected with extra protection from being over written like the format process is.
What I do is a bit of a hack but it's quite easy to do. I only format my memory cards as needed not every time I upload. I only format after a quick backup to three HD(s) on two computers (three copies of each NEF). Formatting after each upload is like covering your mouth when you yawn. Devils won't enter your mouth when it's not covered.
Dave Hartman
I'll give up for a while but I marvel that I haven't seen one single comment on this simple work around any time that I've posted it in any thread.