Oh. My apologies. I am just having issue trying to figure out why exactly both are needed is all. sorry. not that I doubt you. I just do not know enough to properly understand.
In my brain it would seem that if the front has enough shift motion it should be able to shift enough to get the image circle over the sensor. and vice versa. if the sensor can shift enough to get into the light circle how would a front shift benefit.
for example I would understand if you need to shfit 50mm to the left but the front can only shift 25mm and the back 25mm so you shit both opposite directions to obtain 50mm. But if the rig can shift 50mm in just the front is back shift actually needed?
for example these seem equal to me -but it would seem I am missing some knowledge of how this works to properly simulate the results?
And then i think, how is tilting the front different than tilting the back? Drawn out it looks the same. But perhaps i am not thinking correctly.