Thank you Jakov and Les for your criticism. The image is an HDR from Photomatix 6 comprised of 3 exposures, +1, 0 and -1 EV respectively. There is some slight clipping in both the whites and the blacks (more in the blacks than in the whites) as I have been told that B&W images should have some true blacks and some true whites, but if that is incorrect, I can easily change it. I cropped out the foreground as I have been criticized in the past by judges for leaving it in. I'll put it back in for the next iteration and you can tell me if you like it better. That it is Yellowstone can be seen from the steam plumes scattered throughout the image, similar landscapes exist in only a few places on the planet. I thought the clouds gave it a little "wow" and that was the reason I converted it to B&W, but perhaps you are correct and it is more appealing in color. I'll post a color image and let you decide. Finally, don't worry about hurting my feelings. First of all, I'm posting in hopes I'll draw criticism, as I think that will help me improve my photography more quickly, and secondly, I'm a pretty hard shell individual and don't take it personally. Intellectually, I have a hard time equating my ability to take and edit photographs to my self-worth as a human being, so criticizing my photography just allows me the opportunity to get better, it doesn't affect me otherwise. Others may perceive it differently and this is not implied criticism of those who do, it takes all types. As for me, criticize away.
Thanks again,