Author Topic: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany  (Read 3388 times)


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SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« on: July 27, 2017, 17:21:59 »
Just got home with a SB-910 I bought (very) seconhand. Looks very good. although pretty clearly beeeing used by a pro for some years...

Now, all I got was the flash, nothing else of stand, filter, dome etc.
All this I have to source cheap from eBay.

Now then. How do I test this so I know it is a safe buy, not a empty tincan that stops working after a month or so

And most important. How do You;
a) adjust the menu of the SB-910 so it is controlled by d750 of mine
b) adjust the d750 to work as commander for the sb-910

I have got the SG-3ir
but .....
that diffusor plate built in on SB-910 -- is that eqviv to the soft dome?

ANything extra like the stand and diffusor boxes is easily lost out in the fields :-)

This flash will be used mainly at one meter away to enlighten my small plant portraits.
Just like this photo: Here it was late in the evening and heavily overcast;


David H. Hartman

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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2017, 18:25:23 »
I have got the SG-3ir
but .....
that diffusor plate built in on SB-910 -- is that eqviv to the soft dome?

Not really: The wide plate is just for wide angle lenses. It thows the light at a wider angle but doesn't do much diffusion.

The dome is semi opal so it does diffuse. It's small so it doesn't have much effect past 1 to 1.5 meters unless it's used in a small room with white walls then it acts as a bare bulb. At 1:2 to 1:1 the dome makes a large softbox. This is about the size of the softbox to the size of the subject.

I find the dome for my SB-800 gives a hazy bright sun effect at about 1 meter but it's still directional. It's not like when a hazy bright condition where the light come from everywhere.

Many people say the dome is useless and it just waste power. This is true at distance. This is because of the small size. When you get far enough away the dome is small enough to act as a near point source. It's amusing to see PJs use the dome with a 70-200/2.8 zoom. At these distances the dome is wasting around 2 stops of light.

I use the soft pouch that came with my SB-800 and keep the dome on for storage. For use I generally pop the dome off and put it in the soft case if the subject is more than 1.5 meters away. I use the stand frequently to bounce the speedlight off white ceilings. I place the SB-800 where I can and aim it where it will cause the light to fall from the direction I want. I generally don't use the dome when bouncing as that doesn't give directional light.

I hope this makes sense, I just got up.

Dave Hartman

There is one "Got ya!" when setting up my cameras as commander. You have to press the OK button to exit the menu or the changes are ignored. I have a D800 and D300s. I set any group I'm not using, group B and Master to "--" or off so the commander doesn't send pre-flashes to groups that aren't there.
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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2017, 19:07:32 »
Arild, what is that charming plant? I also enjoy botanical photography.


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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2017, 22:36:23 »
Its Salix herbacea. Dwarf willow. Common in most of "my mountains"


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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2017, 10:02:32 »
This is straight out of the camera, shot yesterday. No cc just reduced the nef to fit here.

The sun is late in the evening you might see some rays in the uppper right corner.

So all the light is my sb910 lying flat on my backpack some one meter away to the left. The flash on my Nikon d750 did not fire,
just some preflash to kick in the big 910

Why does it beep three times when it flashes??


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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2017, 11:11:17 »
Why does it beep three times when it flashes??

According to the manual (page: D20/D21):

Insufficient flash output for correct exposure*1
Underexposure due to insufficient flash output may have occurred. To compensate, use a wider aperture or higher ISO sensitivity, or move the flash unit closer to the subject and reshoot.


The remote flash unit light sensor has failed to receive the command light from the master flash unit. This is because the light sensor cannot detect when to stop firing in sync with the master flash unit, either due to a reflection from the remote flash unit itself or light from another remote flash unit that
may have entered the light sensor window. Change the direction or position of the remote flash unit and reshoot.
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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2017, 16:58:55 »
Well, thats nice and fine.

So why is the photo nice and properly correct exposed?

If the flash had beeped once meaning all okay, would this photo be overexposed?


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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2017, 07:32:25 »
Well, thats nice and fine.

So why is the photo nice and properly correct exposed?

If the flash had beeped once meaning all okay, would this photo be overexposed?

The photo was exposed properly because f/8, 1/125s, 400 iso was the correct exposure for this scene. Seeings how you were shooting in auto modes had your D750 seen light from the SB910 it would have adjusted the exposure accordingly and not overexpose the image, to the best of its automated ability anyway.

Unless your SB910 was shooting through or bouncing off of some large diffusion material of some sort then the exposure in post #4 was created with indirect ambient light. I see no evidence of flash being used here. Was the SB910 light sensor unable to detect the preflashes from the camera because it was to far away? Were the batteries in the flash good? Was the flash pointed in the right direction? Was the backpack it was laying on blocking the light sensor? 

When learning to mix flash with ambient light I might suggest taking the camera and flash out of auto modes and putting everything in manual modes so you can get a better understanding of the relationship between the cameras exposure, the ambient light exposure, and the flash exposure, by making the adjustments yourself.

David H. Hartman

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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2017, 19:50:34 »
The three beeps warns of a possible underexposure. It happens when all of the charge is used in the capacitor.

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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2017, 13:46:53 »


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Re: SB-910 as sunshine on my dear Botany
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2017, 14:04:38 »
.............It's amusing to see PJs use the dome with a 70-200/2.8 zoom. At these distances the dome is wasting around 2 stops of light.

I assume PJ is Photo Journaist in which case they have a very good reason to use the flash with the Dome on the 70/200 or any lens.
The flash is on manual and is needed for catchlights.
There is no loss of fstops.
What happens is you meter for ambient light for the exposure and use the flash in manual for cathlight.

Another possible reason is the flash+dome is there when the situation arise.