Everyone has his/hers rights to post here anything concerning about any camera/lens system. So someone may have his/hers different opinion on such the posts. As for me, any 28 lens is not for close portraiture. Even great bokeh is not good enough excuse to turn beautiful lady into hands-shuffle monster. 35 looks way better to me, based on Horatio own images. The new 105 is not ultimate portrait lens, wide open at least, cose I need BOTH eyes, not direct front or profile only. While DF and 800 cameras need updates, out of questions, the 810 sensor is still the best one today, with its beautifully wide DR and unbeatable low ISO performance. Leica/28 combo looks terrible harsh, with its extremely narrow DR, under given light and deep shadows, of course. New Sony, with its low-resolving, created for speed 24 MP sensor, can not compete with old, but still great 810, with new28, or, with new stunning 105 lenses. New Canons, with its traditionally low color/contrast ratio lenses, are good for weddings, what it was created for, mostly. People, who using Canons for sport events, like its long lenses. I am not able to comment that, due to my own limited experience here. So, while Horatio had made a great job with this new 28 lens, his text (and images) is full with contradictions, as for me, personally, of course. LZ