Made my own controller to shoot water drops using an Arduino NodeMcu microcontroller, this little things are fun and dirt cheap.
A bit of the technicalities ...
The controller connected to an electric valve and to the 10pin connector on the D800
The node mcu gets power from a 5 volts power supply via a mini USB connector
The electric valve works with 12 V Dc and 300ma, I used an old lap top battery charger, which provides 19V, added a resistor to limit the current to the proper value, the connection from the arduino to the valve needs a transistor, a resistance to drive teh transistor, and a diode across the solenoid pins to protect from the transient current.
The D800 connection is to the awake and shoot pins, using a diode connected directly to one of the digital outputs, all the D800 needs is to have those pins grounded.
I wrote a short program to control:
the size of the drops by varying the amount of time the valve opens
the number of drops
the wait time between drops
the wait time to shoot the camera
The node mcu comes with a wifi connection and the arduino can be set as a wifi access point and then act as a web server - this allowed to have a web page to control the variables from a remote connected browser, in this case my mobile phone
I had a lot of fun, my kids helped in the process from writing the html ( which I hate) to calculate the time in which the drop will hit the water, fix the water container , hold something on the water while I focused the camera, and cleaned up when the mess was to much
I used a remote SB700 flash triggered by the on camera D800 flash, the SB700 was inside a translucent container to help diffuse the light
Water is on a glass container over a red tray
The resulting images are still so so compared to what others are achieving with similar setups, it is now a matter of getting creative with colors and different fluids
Thanks for looking and reading