In my younger days I spent many a weekend in the Drakensberg of Natal. The scenery in the Berg (as it is known colloquially) inspired my photography in no small way. I bought a Leica M4 and a few lenses to take on these hikes. The Leica M4 was later swopped for a M6.
The first image has iced grass in the foreground and the vast range of the Drakensberg in the distance. It was freezing cold, a strong wind swept water droplets up the cliffs and these froze on contact with the grasses. I have never seen anything like this again.
The second image is one of the Tugela Waterfalls just below Mount-aux-Sources. It drops 948m in five leaps. Many consider it the second highest waterfall after the Angel Falls in Venezuela. The picture was taken in summer, in winter it usually freezes if still running.
The third image is a Brocken Spectre of myself in the clouds below the escarpment. It was somehow quite an emotional experience to see the sunlight diffracted around my body create the halo around my shadow in the clouds which were probably about 700m below where we were standing. This was after a tremendous rainstorm, the clouds of which were still very much in evidence.
The originals are Kodachrome 64 slides which kept their colours nicely over the years. The pictures were taken with 35mm and 50mm Summicron lenses.