Nice work, Daniel!
A local friend of mine is traveling to Oregon to capture the upcoming eclipse. He's a rather serious astrophographer, and is taking 4 bodies and 4 tripods (one homemade for the event). He's building 4 power supplies, one for each camera, and he has a 17AH 12v gel-cell to power them and a laptop.
His layout will be a D7200 on a tracker with an 80-400 lens set at the long end.
A D800E with a 20mm 1.8 in a fixed position.
Another D800E will have a 35mm lens mounted and be free to move. He plans to use it to make stitched panos.
Finally, a D5100 with a 10mm lens in a fixed position, and that will be used to make a timelapse movie.
All bodies will be taking bracket bursts for HDR, so the total exposures will be in the thousands, which is why he needs the gel-cell battery.
He bought the 2 D800E's just for this event. Now you know why I say he's rather serious about astrophotography.