Author Topic: CX DX FX  (Read 15676 times)


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« Reply #45 on: May 30, 2017, 02:09:13 »
I would modify that somewhat, because some software uses the JPG information when it opens the Raw file anyway,  so you don't have to develop and print yourself.  You can treat it as sending your film off but keeping the negatives.

Actually I was trying to reflect the additional control over the finished image that shooting raw gives. Not that I will win any awards for my less than stellar use of words to convey that point. Shooting jpegs just leaves so much on the table.....

David H. Hartman

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« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2017, 02:26:15 »
And please switch off the "demo" mode.  How many disasters of people taking 1000 pictures and then realize there was no card in the camera. Nikon should set this option OFF as default.

Is that mode really good for anything to the camera owner? I've never been bitten by it as by luck I noticed this "feature" early when setting up my D2H.

Dave Hartman
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Matthew Currie

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« Reply #47 on: May 31, 2017, 15:21:24 »
Is that mode really good for anything to the camera owner? I've never been bitten by it as by luck I noticed this "feature" early when setting up my D2H.

Dave Hartman
As far as I can see the mode is useless except for a display in a store,  but owing to the likelihood that store personnel will not want to set menus and that customers want to try things and might assume a camera that does not work is broken, they set it that way by default.  There really ought to be a warning tag on the camera, or a big note in the instructions telling you to turn it off when you buy the camera.

Bjørn Rørslett

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« Reply #48 on: May 31, 2017, 15:38:12 »
How far should a maker go in anticipating the inevitable user errors? The warning in red "No Card" isn't sufficient on its own? The '-E-' symbol instead of an estimate of available number of files to be stored on the card isn't sufficient enough?

My opinion is that they have done just about enough to warn the user. If the users ignore all messages and soldier on, let it be on their own risk. Otherwise perhaps the shutter should be locked if there is no card? which of course is actually the default option, so some user communication with the menu system has to occur in order to make any picture, the card(s) being present or not.


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« Reply #49 on: May 31, 2017, 21:19:51 »
How far should a maker go in anticipating the inevitable user errors? The warning in red "No Card" isn't sufficient on its own? The '-E-' symbol instead of an estimate of available number of files to be stored on the card isn't sufficient enough?

My opinion is that they have done just about enough to warn the user. If the users ignore all messages and soldier on, let it be on their own risk. Otherwise perhaps the shutter should be locked if there is no card? which of course is actually the default option, so some user communication with the menu system has to occur in order to make any picture, the card(s) being present or not.
My sentiments, exactly. And I'll add, there is something akin to a technological "nanny culture" afoot guiding consumer expectations. I'm not suggesting even the most benign "beep", "chirp" or flashing light is a bad idea. (I pity they who forgot to remove lens caps, load or advance film, on holiday, during the antediluvian film age. I recall with a certain survivors guilt the "hundreds" of exposures I made on a single roll of 620 film as a mere lad.  ;D) However those who aspire to be photographers should give thought to learning how to use the equipment at their disposal. Even now, I frequently reach for a trophy Nikon F or D100 just to remind myself how far I've yet to go despite equipment upgrades and a plethora of "factory defaults" and user settings to keep me busy -- less I actually take a photograph.

David H. Hartman

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« Reply #50 on: May 31, 2017, 22:09:02 »
How far should a maker go in anticipating the inevitable user errors? The warning in red "No Card" isn't sufficient on its own? The '-E-' symbol instead of an estimate of available number of files to be stored on the card isn't sufficient enough?

My opinion is that they have done just about enough to warn the user...

I seldom look at those warning as I can shoot about 800 NEF(s) on two cards in my D800. If I shot more on a single shoot I'd learn fast.

Custom Setting f11, Slot empty release lock: default OFF on my D800 and I'm quite certain on my D300s also. I think the least Nikon should do is make the default locked.


On second thought the "-E-" symbol would probably catch my eye. A pattern recognition thing.


OK, I tried the Demo thing and there is a red square on the upper left of the LCD that says "Demo" so if you are a chimp you're OK. If you are any of the other old world great apes you're screwed.
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