Author Topic: Looking for used gear in Tokyo  (Read 5602 times)


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Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« on: May 18, 2017, 10:48:21 »
Will be going to Japan in the fall with my wife. She is japanese and of course we will visit her relatives as well as my daughter currently living in Japan. My wife grew up some distance from Chiba and my daugther lives in Saitama.
Myself, being the camera fanatic that I am, thought "Why not combine pleasure with pleasure?" and while I am there check out some camera shops in Tokyo.
I must add that I have been in Japan, and Tokyo, but it is long time ago. The years 1989 - 1991 I was there several times.
I used to take long walks around Shinjuku, Shibuya and Ikebukuro checking out whatever camera shops I found. Like Yodobashi Camera, Doi camera and the used small camera shops I could find. But that is a long long time ago and I am sure things have changed.

Basically I am looking for Nikon gear and I am hoping I might find a nice deal on a good used Df. Do you have any good suggestions?
I know about the site and he has a pretty good guide to camera shops. It is a couple of years old, do you know if it is still valid?

Thanks for any help you can give me!
Johan Grahn


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2017, 12:58:01 »
See :

I recommend the Nikon House - they got everything....
Airy Magnien


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2017, 13:04:49 »
I remember going there. 25 yrs ago! Mostly spent time drooling over all the models in the window. Didn't have much money to spend at that time.
Good to know that it is still very good.

What is your assessment of the used market in Japan?
Is it any idea to try to find a used Df in good condition? Is it a good deal cheaper than bying it new?
Is there a market like ebay where anybody can sell and buy used gear?
Johan Grahn


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2017, 13:31:35 »
Honestly, I do not know. I have last been in Japan in 2012 if memory serves well. Our Japanese members (or residents in Japan) might tell you more.
I have never bought any lens on eBay or the like, because I want to touch, feel, and test before buying.
At Nikon House I bought a 500/8 N and a 180/2.8 ED, both in a very good condition, and good performers.
Airy Magnien


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2017, 15:46:09 »
well, you can tag along in one of my junk raids if you are in town. :o :o :o


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2017, 15:56:51 »
I will be glad to hear that Nikon has cardinally changed its service policy. Non so far. So, if you bring anything from Japan to the USA, or Europe, or any country else, it is non-serviceable, under any circumstances. Third- party service  units has no contemporary parts, or you have to wait for ones endless time, for double price. Yeah, old mechanical lenses are easy to fix, no problem, but new electronics? My advice - think twice before, because our inner market, in most cases, reliable and returnable, and, more important, cheaper. Ginza district is expensive, do not wait for miracle there. At least my own experience is telling that! Good luck!  LZ


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2017, 21:21:49 »
well, you can tag along in one of my junk raids if you are in town. :o :o :o

Thanks for the offer!
If things work out I might take you up on this offer.
Johan Grahn


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2017, 21:24:31 »
I will be glad to hear that Nikon has cardinally changed its service policy. Non so far. So, if you bring anything from Japan to the USA, or Europe, or any country else, it is non-serviceable, under any circumstances. Third- party service  units has no contemporary parts, or you have to wait for ones endless time, for double price. Yeah, old mechanical lenses are easy to fix, no problem, but new electronics? My advice - think twice before, because our inner market, in most cases, reliable and returnable, and, more important, cheaper. Ginza district is expensive, do not wait for miracle there. At least my own experience is telling that! Good luck!  LZ

Good points. Hopefully it is not going to be a problem. I have had very little problems with any of my Nikon cameras. D2H had the shutter changed. My D1H and my D700 has not given me any problems. Sofar I have to say.
Better check with Nikon Sweden about their repair policy.
Johan Grahn


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2017, 00:45:03 »
I will be glad to hear that Nikon has cardinally changed its service policy. Non so far. So, if you bring anything from Japan to the USA, or Europe, or any country else, it is non-serviceable, under any circumstances.  LZ
Isn't that only for gray market goods?  A Nikon camera/lens, originally sold in Japan by Nikon is not gray market. 
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2017, 03:36:53 »
Isn't that only for gray market goods?  A Nikon camera/lens, originally sold in Japan by Nikon is not gray market.
. Doesn't matter. Gray or direct, if you did buy it out of the country you want to service any Nikon gears in, it will be strictly prohibited by Nikon rules. About 6 years ago my 16-35 was destroyed by drank Bavarian burger. I got a new lens, on the next day. He paid for brand new lens, made for Germany. In couple months the lens stopped its VR. At all. I was not able to fix it in the USA. So my friend went back to Dusseldorf, in a month or two, and fixed it for me, without any trouble. As far as I know, nothing major happened in Nikon service since.  Correct me, if I am wrong.  LZ


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2017, 04:04:34 »
Hi, Johan,

if you are looking for a used Df (or any cameras or lenses), I would recommend either Map Camera in Shinjuku or Fujiya Camera in Nakano.  Both are located close to their respective JR stations.  I often use both shops to buy and sell my cameras and lenses.

As for the services, Nikon appears to have changed their policy completely.  Previously they would check their cameras and lenses, with or without guarantee, for free.  But now they charge any kind of services.  I'm not familiar with the international warranty.

A couple of days ago, I took my AF-S 20/1.8G I had bought as second hand in dead mint condition.  I always take the newly purchased lenses to Nikon service, brand new or second hand (the reason for that is a long and uncomfortable story).  That was when I realize the change of the service policy.  My 20/1.8G didn't have any warranty, and the AF was a bit off.  They fixed it for 2,700 JPY incl. VAT.  It was not a bad deal, though.  Now the lens works admirably.
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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2017, 05:07:26 »
I would recommend Map Camera in Shinjuku as well. They have an extensive range of secondhand gear, and their grading is accurate, maybe even conservative. For example, an item graded as "beauty product" usually looks and feels new.

There is a Nikon service center nearby that is excellent. They have serviced some of my Australian purchases without hesitation. They have a same day sensor cleaning service - if you are early enough, they will clean the sensor while you wait.
Mike Selby - Sydney


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2017, 05:29:34 »
Gentlemen, we are speaking about international Nikon's rules, what it is a reason for that OP post. To send it back for fixing + some extra, maybe, will cost a little fortune. Learn the Nikon's rules first, think twice and triple, before put money on the counter. That's my advice, and everyone is free to do what he/she wants. THX!   LZ


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2017, 06:05:33 »
i think we have strayed a bit from the original post... :o :o :o


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Re: Looking for used gear in Tokyo
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2017, 07:36:12 »
Thanks for information about Map Camera.
That is a place I will take a look at. And of course Nikon shop in Ginza.

I am not overly worried about fixing the gear. I find Nikons cameras very reliable. But it is important to consider of course.
I bought two bodies, an F4 and an F801 plus 7 lenses when I was there in 1991. Had it for years, still have the 60 mm Micro from that time.
Only the 35-70 acted up on me. So that is a pretty good record.
Of course it is different now. Cameras are a lot more like computers.

Anyway, back to shopping used gear.
I really enjoyed walking around Shinjuku and Shibuya. Actually, to walk between the stations is very nice. And it is no risk at being lost because the Yamanote Line is right next to you. As I remember, Tokyo is a very safe city as well. I walked there at night as well and never felt any security issues. Maybe because I am "gajin"?
So fun to see all these small, tiny shops cramed with gear of all ages and kinds. Fun!
Johan Grahn