Author Topic: First Digital Purchase  (Read 1882 times)


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First Digital Purchase
« on: May 04, 2017, 18:19:42 »
It has been well over 20+ years since I last picked up a camera and that of course predates the digital age. I will admit that I know very little about this technology. The sensor advancements, various size formats, crop factors and all the rest. I joined this community a few weeks ago and have read a little as time allowed. The knowledge, experience and talent here is quite amazing but at the same time a bit intimidating. I feel as though I need to take classes before participating on this forum.

I had purchased a Nikon D2xs two weeks ago but there was a problem with the camera so it was promptly returned. At the time, I was advised not to overlook a V1 that was also for sale. After some contemplation, I decided to buy a V1 package that included two V1's (one that had been converted to IR), a 30-110 lens, 10mm lens and an 18.5mm lens. I have an interest in learning IR as well. The package should arrive this coming weekend and I look forward to experimenting. If I gain the courage, perhaps I will post a picture or two for critique. I will first, however, need to figure out how to load them onto a computer.



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Re: First Digital Purchase
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2017, 18:28:32 »
You've found a great place to bring your questions/concerns.

There is so much knowledge and experience that you'll get to where you want to be rather quickly.

I've not a lot of extensive experience with the V1 series, but they seem very capable in most respects and IQ seems pretty decent in most cases.

I personally prefer the Nikon FX/DX and Olympus m43 cameras.
The good thing about now in the digital tech world we live in, is that that most cameras/sensors are going to be great for just about anyone.  You could throw a dart at a board and you'd have a better chance than not of hitting a good camera than a bad one.
Nikon Z6/D500/Df Shooter (Various lenses), Olympus PEN-F (Various lenses), Fuji XPro2/X-E3 (various lenses)

Bent Hjarbo

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Re: First Digital Purchase
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2017, 18:46:02 »
Congratulations with your V1.
You will  easely read a lot of bad things about the V1, but most often written by people not really using it.
Enjoy the small size and good picture quality.
I and my wife have more Nikon 1 houses, and a lot of lenses. We enjoy them for traveling. I also use them for wildlife.


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Re: First Digital Purchase
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2017, 20:20:02 »
I also have an IR converted V1 (720 nm filter) and like it very much, but mostly for B&W converted images. having an EVF is a blessing! It is rather hard to extract colors though, I had better luck for that with my old D80.

Enjoy the digital world, it is not all evil and has brought back the fun in photography, for me.


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Re: First Digital Purchase
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2017, 22:00:42 »
Welcome to NG from another V1 user

the 18.5 is a great lens
the 10mm f2.8 nice wide angle, not as sharp as the 18.5

you do not need to take classes to participate :) I have learned a lot from this community , posting images and asking questions
Armando Morales
D800, Nikon 1 V1, Fuji X-T3

Les Olson

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Re: First Digital Purchase
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2017, 11:39:17 »
The V1 is a nice and under-appreciated camera. 

One thing you need to be wary of is that, like all mirrorless cameras, the V1 is power-hungry.  You need a spare battery, or two. 

That plays into the aspect of using a V1 I found needed the most adaptation (and still find irritating): unlike an SLR, the camera is not always ready to go.  You can't look in the viewfinder with the camera turned off, and turning it on takes a long time, compared to an SLR.  You can't leave it on because that chews up a lot of power.  To conserve power it keeps turning itself off automatically, and then it takes time to wake up again.  You can tell it to wait longer before turning itself off, but you get shorter battery life. 

An accessory that I found greatly improves handling is a grip (I use the Fotodiox one 

Keep a close eye on the hot shoe cover!  If this was deliberately designed to fall off and get lost, they did a superb job.  To make things worse, in some countries Nikon will not sell you a replacement.

Nikon's free software is OK for getting the images from the card to the computer and starting off with image adjustment. 

Bjørn Rørslett

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Re: First Digital Purchase
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2017, 12:11:48 »
Ensure the batteries for your V1 are the latest type, indicated by the legend 'Li-ion 20' on the label. The earlier generation batteries marked 'Li-ion 01' will not last long in use. The newer ones are much better and I tend to be able to use the camera for several days before needing a fresh battery.


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Re: First Digital Purchase
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2017, 16:16:08 »
Thank you for the tips on the battery. I will order a couple spares with the 20 designation. This technology is new to me so FX,DX,CX I do not fully understand in terms of capture or rendering of image. I do understand the field of view is an equivalency to a standard 35mm film plane. How that is interpreted in the capture or a print I am unsure. I do plan to print and thus the reason I am getting into photography.
