Nikkor - The Thousand and One Nights
Tale 5...
Rendition characteristics and lens performance
So how is the rendition of the AI Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 lens?
As I have said before, evaluations are always subjective, so please consider my comments as my personal opinions, for reference.
As mentioned above, this lens has the features of [asymmetric] design, and in particular distortion is extremely low. The image is flat to the periphery, and astigmatism is very small.
The lens also has characteristics of spherical aberration and coma. Basically close-range aberration variation is small, but at portrait distances the correction for aberration seems to be slightly insufficient. The insufficiency as far as spherical aberration in particular is what makes defocus background appeared beautiful. The aberration balance has been calculated carefully for use in portraits. When the aperture is open contrast is good, and delineation is soft.
--Haruo Sato
The underlining above is mine. Stopping down to f/5.6 apparently cures the insufficient correction of spherical aberration. I found maximum center sharpness with three 105/2.5(s), N.C, AI and AIS to be f/5.6. The third paragraph explained my findings.
105mm f2.5 later
4.8 (several samples)
(large rear element [late non-AI with black front]), performance declines at wide stops near minimum focus (both conditions together), otherwise this lens is excellent even wide open
--David Ruether
This also fits my findings though it doesn't explain them as Tale 5 does. I did my test on Tech Pan at 2 meters and focused with a 6x finder on my F2.
I'd be interested if others find a similar trade off of image sharpness at 2 meters or portrait distance at wide apertures, say f/4.0 and wider.
Dave Hartman