Just made a quick & dirty comparison of center sharpness and contrast, on D800 and at about 1.4m distance: Noct, 50/1.2 AI, 50/1.8G, Zeiss Milvus 50/2, and Summicron-R (Leitax mount)
The Noct is distinctly more contrasty than all others, except Zeiss 50/2 that is both sharper and more contrasty at f/2. The 50/1.8G is on a par with the Noct.
At f/1.2 and f/1.4, the Noct is less hazy than the 50/1.2. At f/2.0, where the 50/1.2 is supposed to overtake the competition, The Noct is still more contrasty, and a wee bit sharper too. The difference is such small that it could be due to focussing precision. By the way, the 50/1.2, being an AI lens with longer focus throw, is generally easier to focus. I often read that, but direct comparison makes it obvious.
At f/2.0, the Noct and the 50/1.8G are roughly equivalent. At the same aperture, the Summicron is slightly sharper, but displays some haze and blue-ish fringes.