Author Topic: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes  (Read 49972 times)

Øivind Tøien

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D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« on: April 12, 2017, 08:54:22 »
Most important gives:
Tilt screen
D500 sensor

-1 SD card slot
Apparently it does not support non-cpu lenses any longer, see enlarged image below showing absence of aperture coupling tab.

Specification from Nikon's web site:
"Compatible lenses: AF NIKKOR lenses, including type G, E, and D lenses (some restrictions apply to PC lenses) and AI-P NIKKOR lenses and non- CPU AI lenses (M mode only)."
(emphasis by me). So in this respect similar to the 5K bodies and below.

Øivind Tøien

Bjørn Rørslett

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2017, 09:28:20 »
An expected pared-down version of the D500.

Like the D3xxx and D5xxx, it will work with CPU-modified lenses. As the number of controls are limited, you have to set aperture by switching to 'A' mode first, then return to 'M' if that is your preferred mode. AIS lenses would be preferable for the optimum exposure unless an external meter is used.

Jan Anne

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2017, 09:32:27 »
And a 50 shot RAW buffer at 8fps, nice.

Kudos Nikon for releasing yet another great camera.
Jan Anne


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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2017, 09:44:01 »
for that price, it better have an Ai coupling tab. also noticed that the strap lugs were of lower grade style :o :o :o

they probably did this so the D500 line of cameras will not be affected.

Øivind Tøien

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2017, 10:02:36 »
An expected pared-down version of the D500.

Like the D3xxx and D5xxx, it will work with CPU-modified lenses. As the number of controls are limited, you have to set aperture by switching to 'A' mode first, then return to 'M' if that is your preferred mode. AIS lenses would be preferable for the optimum exposure unless an external meter is used.

A CPU modified lens should work like any other CPU enabled lens, allowing aperture to be set on the front wheel. Personally I would not have much issues as just about all my lenses have a CPU, and due to my long period with D5100 as my primary body, controlling aperture from the body (in aperture priority)  became my preference for consistency. I assume when it comes to non-CPU lenses with D7500 one will loose metering just like on D5x00 and below, and would set aperture on the lens. It is obviously a cost-saving measure that also helps to distinguish it from D500.  BTW with D40x, aperture in M-mode with a CPU lens is set by pressing the exposure compensation button.

Given the sensor, tilt screen and increased fps and buffer, the gives are likely higher in the case of D7500 than the takes.
Øivind Tøien

Bjørn Rørslett

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2017, 10:10:41 »
I stand corrected, had the single-control D3xxx/5xxx models in mind.

Thanks for the aperture-setting shortcut info, by the way. Must have missed that, perhaps because I rarely read the manual ?? :D Just tested on my D40X IR and surely, it worked. Evidently one is never too old to learn new tricks. This will speed up my use of D3200 and D5300.

Still, with any camera for which you cannot use the aperture ring for setting the desired aperture, only AIS lenses are recommended for the best exposures.

Øivind Tøien

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2017, 10:20:17 »
Thanks for the aperture-setting shortcut info, by the way. Must have missed that, perhaps because I rarely read the manual ?? :D Just tested on my D40X IR and surely, it worked. Evidently one is never too old to learn new tricks.
As I recall it took several years before I discovered it by chance, possibly when I got the D5100...

Still, with any camera for which you cannot use the aperture ring for setting the desired aperture, only AIS lenses are recommended for the best exposures.
That is certainly true, my period with  D5100 made me choose mostly AIS lenses because of this. AI lenses seem to be popular among forum members so it could be a problem for others.
Øivind Tøien

Bjørn Rørslett

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2017, 10:25:45 »
My usage of DX cameras tends to be for special applications (UV, IR) thus AI is not a deal-breaker. Others might be less fortunate.

I certainly will have a look into the D7500 when it arrives at my shores. It could be a better model than D500 for the specific job I had in mind.


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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2017, 10:27:33 »
Besides only 1 SD slot (also no XQD support) and reduced compatibility with AI lenses compared to D500 (no longer supports A mode), the AF capabilities are reduced to 51 points, but the D7500 retains AF finetuning. All these spec cuts gives a list price  US$500+ less than that for the D500

Øivind Tøien

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2017, 10:39:20 »
Besides only 1 SD slot (also no XQD support) and reduced compatibility with AI lenses compared to D500 (no longer supports A mode), the AF capabilities are reduced to 51 points, but the D7500 retains AF finetuning. All these spec cuts gives a list price  US$500+ less than that for the D500

They just kept the AF system from D7100 and D7200, with enhancement by coupling to the 180k-pixel RGB metering sensor of D500 and addition of group area AF mode.  It is worth noting though that is has the 9 point dynamic AF that some has complained is absent in D500, and which was reintroduced in D5 though a firmware upgrade. If the AF system had been the same, there would likely not have been enough distinguishing it from D500, and the extra CPU for the AF would likely have increased cost.
Øivind Tøien


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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2017, 10:47:22 »
Well it cannot go in my camera bag SD slot at a wedding ..suicide...20 mp ...thats half way back to a D7000 thanks
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Roland Vink

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2017, 11:00:26 »
I can understand only one SD slot and lack of AI support on the budget 3xxx and 5xxx models, but removing these features from the D7500 when the earlier 7xxx models have it, seems a backward step.

Bjørn Rørslett

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2017, 11:01:52 »
Automated bean counter design. Easier to take away and pretend you get more.


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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2017, 11:07:47 »
I can understand only one SD slot and lack of AI support on the budget 3xxx and 5xxx models, but removing these features from the D7500 when the earlier 7xxx models have it, seems a backward step.

Agree with you Roland. On paper specs, this D7500 is difficult to justify as a realistic upgrade to the D7200, which remains a versatile camera. Perhaps the new wifi etc may lure some buyers for uses such as travel. Even with the higher price, the D500 is far ahead in specs and robustness as the best-value investment in the "DX Nikon niche" for wildlife and action, and much more.

David H. Hartman

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Re: D7500 - Nikon gives and Nikon takes
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2017, 11:15:31 »
I can understand only one SD slot and lack of AI support on the budget 3xxx and 5xxx models, but removing these features from the D7500 when the earlier 7xxx models have it, seems a backward step.

Perhaps the logic is the D7000~D7200 models were not the best replacement for the D300~D300s. Now with a true D300s replacement a lower price for the D7500 was more important.

The D7500 is not the camera for me because of a lack of AI/AIS support. The D500 could be my second camera but as a DX camera it can't be my first.

Anyway the D7500 makes sense to me. It's a lot of camera for a modest price. For someone who wants the features of the D500 there is the D500.


Dave Hartman

For a fast overview of the D7500 I went to...

...I didn't have my shoe off pounding it on the table by the heading, "Specifications."
No guaranties for the rest of the article.

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