Author Topic: Steven and Judy in the woods  (Read 950 times)


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Steven and Judy in the woods
« on: April 04, 2017, 01:15:56 »
Another of my long-forgotten pictures re-discovered when I was researching my " Generations" photo-essay.
Taken about 31 years ago of our Son Steven and his life-long friend Judy B. when we took the kids to a local park.
As I recall this was a deliberate attempt on my part to pay homage to W. Eugene Smith the famous Life photographer who took a similar (but much more dramatic) shot of his two children in similar circumstances.
Originally shot on Kodachrome 64 and converted to black and white in Photoshop.
Motorized Nikon FE
Nikon series E 50mm 1.8
Kodachrome 64 probably f8 @ 1/60th
I shoot with film. That's film. F...i...l...m. You remember film. It was in all the papers.