Not sure what your asking re MTF? There are plenty of info regarding how and what is MTF - Over time I have grown to appreciate the huge amount of work that goes into the information shared by Roger fro Lensrental,,, and his findings correspond with what I see from my lenses.
BTW same can be said about Bjørns reviews, although theses are done from his 'use-perspective' here the agreement of findings are very similar to my own practical results. We have some common similarities in our stylke of shooting and some very different as well,,, That is a long tale,,, Basically he is a huge inspiration especially when we meet up and let go,,,
Zeiss Colour is not something I use as a goal, as should be quite clear by my images,,, It is so easy to shoot in RAW and do the rest in PP so Colour difference between Zeiss and Nikkor is a big non-issue for me.
However contrast and vignetting is often a huge difference between Zeiss and Nikkors! Again these can to some extend be tweaked in PP but not to the same extent.