These geese were hanging in the middle of the street between the fire house and a bank. They were totally unconcerned about cars driving past. I beeped my horn and they didn't move. I don't recall that they even looked. I drove up the street about a quarter mile to my house (0.4km), got my camera and drove back. They hadn't moved.
A couple of years ago the VA hospital, about a bow shot away, bulldozed a large pond with grass banks. It was big enough that it was a way stop for migrating birds. I remember ducks, geese and great blue herons. I guess the VA in their wisdom decided that the veterans would rather look out the hospital windows and see the butt ugly roof of a low building with lots of aluminum ventilation fixtures.
The geese I surmise were wondering, "WTF happened to the pond?" I took about six to ten photos and then herded them out of the street to the lawns surrounding the bank. I'm not sure what to say, they aren't tame geese and yet they are habituated to humans to the point that I got within 4 feet (1.2m) before they started to move. One turned and hissed at me. I protested, "My best friend is a cockatoo, I like birds." She seemed satisfied and moved off without further protest. There were six obvious pairs. I guess they were mated pairs.
The photos I took aren't the best but I didn't want to spend too much time with the birds in danger. Notice the one second to left is standing on one foot like it's ready to take a nap though it hasn't tucked its beak under its wing. Finally a couple of minutes after I herded them off the street they all starting honking. I've never seen birds so laid back about standing around in the street while traffic drove by.
Dave Hartman