I was more thinking of "loading" the adapter with complete set of basic EXIF. So one would have available the full aperture data (max. and min. values, incl. variations across the focal range for a zoom lens), exit pupil position, lens descriptor (as text), lens ID (MCU-type), etc. Could easily be done by sending a row of data from an sqllite lookup in a local database via blutooth or app on a smartphone. Enter a lens PIN number and press SEND and voilá your camera now is set up for say a Nikkor-S 5 cm f/1.5 to f/16.
Many RAW converters try to do this in reverse, often with hilarious results. One of the worst in this regard is Photo Ninja, that insists my 24/2.8 Nikkor AIS is a Fisheye (!) lens. I built my own lens identification module for the archival DB though to circumvent this issue.