Author Topic: B&H Shipping the Hasselblad X1D to Customers in Limited Qualtities  (Read 2081 times)

Michael Erlewine

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Lloyd Chambers reports that B&H is actually shipping the X1D to customers in limited numbers., Daily Blog at main site:,, Founder:, All-Music Guide, All-Movie Guide, Classic, Matrix Software,


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Re: B&H Shipping the Hasselblad X1D to Customers in Limited Qualtities
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 09:44:41 »

Lloyd Chambers reports that B&H is actually shipping the X1D to customers in limited numbers.

Oh. Ming Thassy did not say anything yet?

Let's be real. Who is going to dash mega money on a new camera body which company has just been sold out and with no reassurance that this product will  be supported in the near or far future.

Inquiring minds like to know!

Frank Fremerey

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Re: B&H Shipping the Hasselblad X1D to Customers in Limited Qualtities
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 12:30:16 »
Oh. Ming Thassy did not say anything yet?
Let's be real. Who is going to dash mega money on a new camera body which company has just been sold out and with no reassurance that this product will  be supported in the near or far future.
Inquiring minds like to know!

My answer is GFX. It seems Fuji is even more stable as a company than Nikon is. So the "X" system seems a system to stay with us and Nikon hopefully too.
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