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BIF settings: 1/3200s f/8 auto-iso, aperture priority, 9pt center AFC or 25pt center AFC for newer cams D5, etc.. handheld is preferable, center weighted average metering.
What focus tracking with lock- on setting do you use?
turn it off. it just adds delay
Bob, outstanding images!Unfortunately the link is just rather small jpg files, the file you have posted earlier have shown the details much better.
hmmm... when i click on those images they bring up the entire page from the web site.. including the entire image1/3200s1/2000s1/1250sand sometimes you could use more than 1/3200s[/Great pictures, Bob!Impressive how you manage to nail focus!Looks like f/2.8 sometimes might be enough for portraits, bit With BIF I've got to change my practice; blend down .Thanks once again.
Moderator note: Really appreciate to see the images here! as to having to click and follow the link. We prefer this here on NG
Sometimes it is better having the wingtips not sharp imho
ok... i didn't want to detract from someone else's thread.. i posted for educational content not competition.