Akira: I do not "need" another camera, but curiosity drives me and I desperately wanted to try the 1.8/75mm for a while. At the price I paid, I can sell the whole without loss in half a year or so. I love the silver look of the combo, some sentimental feelings go with that. I had the OM-1n for four years of intensive use from 1984 till 1988 and loved her very much. The OM-D EM-5 has the looks but is a bit of an antithesis to the very logical, very simple super ergonomic OM-1n. I know the EM-1 is much better in the ergonomics department, my neighbour has her and a lot of glass and I used her quite often.
Contrary to John, I was enthused about the leverage of the RAW files. I did develop them in Photo Ninja 134.
"Unadjusted" is the starting point and manual white balance, because both "smart lighting" and the AWB of PN134 fail on the Orffs.
Starting from there a lot can be had from the highlights and the shadows. Also the Noise Ninja module work pretty well on these files, getting rid of the noise and keeping the details at the same time. The noise character in the children shot is basicly with no special adjustments in the Noise module of PN134. I show other examples later.
I hope for some sunny weather in the next few days to test the camera in her comfort zone.