Thanks you Andrew, Akira, Bill, Anirban, Armando, Anthony. Jakov - I was playing

Bob, I do. and the scent on these are divine.
I am truly surprised by the response!
the first three are lilies inside my home and the last one something or another at the Botanical Gardens
Right.... no 28 mm here - let me try and unravel here a bit. This is what I THINK happened
I kindly got a 105 manual focus macro from Bob.
I forgot to set it up on my D800 as a non CPU blablabla so it picked it's own info by the looks of it.
I used the 105 plus a couple of extension rings here and there.
I went back and checked - all images were logged at 28 !

Even the ones taken without any extension rings
or alternatively - regard this as a 28mm lens which gives exceptional images and order your copy from Bob at only $5000 while stocks last