Author Topic: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?  (Read 11666 times)

Andrea B.

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2016, 20:02:31 »
The problem with NX2 is that it interferes / writes into the NEF file

Well, most of us do save the original NEFs and never put them into any converter. Only copies get converted and edited.

But in all these years and years and years I've never had anything go wrong with a NEF due to being converted and edited in NX2. YMMV, of course. The NX2 edits are written to a contained area of the NEF file. The raw data is not altered.


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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2016, 23:03:15 »
To add to Andrea's comments, my biggest gripe with Ps are the huge files left when you save layered .psd.

Also, no matter which software you use corruption can occur. That is why a backup copy of the original should never be opened or even renamed.

My oldest edited NEFs are now 10 years old. I like being able to open any of them up and editing a new version using skills learned over the past decade.
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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2016, 00:43:34 »
Original / copy, you name it. Lr allows you to store directly away a second copy of the downloaded file. But, this is not the subject. Interacting in a RAW file is practice that even Nikon avoids now. Up to you to qualify the former method as risk free.
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David H. Hartman

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2016, 01:13:03 »
Does anyone reading this thread know to install the latest Nikon Transfer 2 for Windows. I used to be able to download the latest Transfer 2 from the Nikon download center. I can't find it today. Now I find I'm using the version installed by the last version of VNX2. When I check for updates I'm told there are none. Perhaps the only way to get it is to install ViewNXi?

Is it time to dump VNX2 for safety since it's not maintained? The version of Transfer that came with it can write to the NEF. Perhaps old versions of Transfer write to the wrong area of newer NEF(s)?

I rename NEF(s) when I save them with CNX2 just in case so I don't over write the original.

Dave Hartman
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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2016, 03:55:58 »
Does anyone reading this thread know to install the latest Nikon Transfer 2 for Windows.

Dave Hartman

A few versions back, Transfer 2 was included with ViewNX2, and that seems to be true for ViewNXi. On my Mac, Transfer 2 can be called up from within ViewNX2/i or as standalone.
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Tom Hook

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2016, 19:53:44 »
I upgraded my Mac to Sierra 10.12.2 this morning and experienced the same problem with my files as you did Kim. I am using the the latest editions of View NX-1 and Nikon Transfer 2. To my mind, the problem is that the latest Mac upgrade is not compatible with the latest Nikon software.

As always seems to be the case, Nikon lags behind Mac upgrades, but incompatibility issues like this have heretofore not cropped up for me. Fortunately, the shots seem not to be lost, and I believe the complete NEF files are hiding behind these stripes because I opened them in Photoshop Bridge and the full files initially appeared but then the stripes soon appeared thereafter.

When those crack software support people at Nikon get it together to support Sierra 10.12.2 sometime in 2017, I'll wager these files will open just fine. By then, I probably will have completely stopped using Nikon software so compatibility will be moot. Iridient and Photoshop here I come!

I am beginning to really hate Nikon software. >:(

Andrea B.

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2016, 20:53:53 »
I am beginning to really hate Nikon software. >:(

You, me and a whole lot of other folks!! I've held back from upgrading my MacBook pro because I do not want to lose the old Capture NX2. Sooner or later I will have to abandon that strategy because nothing will work on Mountain Lion any more. I kinda hate Apple too for constantly making us upgrade. There is no way to keep a stable platform for 5 years or so.

The whole photo software thing in general is beginning to get me down. I'm tired of converting and editing raws in klunky, tedious software. But I don't really want to shoot JPGs either. These days I find that I'm still making lots of photos but they are just sitting there on the hard drive, unconverted and unedited. Why does this have to be so much work??
[end rant]

Sorry, I got a little rant-y there !!! ;D ;D ;D

Tom Hook

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2016, 21:16:18 »

The whole photo software thing in general is beginning to get me down. I'm tired of converting and editing raws in klunky, tedious software. But I don't really want to shoot JPGs either. These days I find that I'm still making lots of photos but they are just sitting there on the hard drive, unconverted and unedited. Why does this have to be so much work??
[end rant]

Yes! I too am collecting too many files on my hard drives waiting for some way to make things easy again (i.e. limiting complexity without losing capability while being sufficiently intuitive to bring a smile to my face and avoid excessive grinding of my teeth). Last week, I spent about ten hours going through a Photoshop tutorial from and while that program sometimes makes me feel like I'm drowning in quicksand, the lessons actually opened a door and let in some light.  Hooray!! 8)


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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2016, 00:33:22 »
I am beginning to really hate Nikon software. >:(

You, me and a whole lot of other folks!! I've held back from upgrading my MacBook pro because I do not want to lose the old Capture NX2. Sooner or later I will have to abandon that strategy because nothing will work on Mountain Lion any more. I kinda hate Apple too for constantly making us upgrade. There is no way to keep a stable platform for 5 years or so.

The whole photo software thing in general is beginning to get me down. I'm tired of converting and editing raws in klunky, tedious software. But I don't really want to shoot JPGs either. These days I find that I'm still making lots of photos but they are just sitting there on the hard drive, unconverted and unedited. Why does this have to be so much work??
[end rant]

Sorry, I got a little rant-y there !!! ;D ;D ;D

Yes, processing is becoming a chore.  I have a huge backlog.  I have to send out some photos from a trip, and I am bogged down by the sheer quantity.

I am now going to try shooting raw + Jpeg fine, and only process a tiny number of photos, those that will really be worth the time.  For the rest, jpegs will just have to do.
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David H. Hartman

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2016, 04:42:03 »
I'll wager these files will open just fine.

I would not take the chance. I would transfer my files with Finder and not touch the originals.

Not sure what View NX-1 is? Is that View NX-i or an older version. I'm running View NX2 on El Capitan without issues. I'm wondering if View NX-i is stable yet on this OS?

Capture NX-D works fine of my iMAC except it's deathly slow as my iMAC is up there in years. Capture NX-D works fine on my Windows 7 box and I generally prefer it now to Capture NX2. I still would like to have seen Capture NX3 but Google apparently killed that.

Anyway I would not bet on Nikon Transfer if it appears to be incompatible with your version of OS X.


Dave Hartman
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Bjørn Rørslett

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2016, 09:03:12 »
Set up a powerful Linux box and run visual machines inside it. Then you can get stable OS ecosystems over really long time spans. No need to "upgrade" the OS continuously.

With decent hardware, the performance penalty of going the virtual route is minimal.

Jacques Pochoy

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2016, 09:04:08 »
I upgraded my Mac to Sierra 10.12.2 this morning and experienced the same problem with my files as you did Kim. I am using the the latest editions of View NX-1 and Nikon Transfer 2. To my mind, the problem is that the latest Mac upgrade is not compatible with the latest Nikon software.

Exactly what happened to me ! At first I thought I had developed a shutter or mirror problem, then surmised that it had to be the software as I had a Nef+Jpeg setting and the jpegs were without the black stripe ! Seems like a memory problem for the Nikon Transfer 2...
Anyhow I've shifted to Lightroom for downloading and placing my files in my exterior hard disk while cataloguing them. Seems to work nicely !
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Tom Hook

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2016, 18:45:59 »
I would not take the chance. I would transfer my files with Finder and not touch the originals.

Not sure what View NX-1 is? Is that View NX-i or an older version. I'm running View NX2 on El Capitan without issues. I'm wondering if View NX-i is stable yet on this OS?

I meant VX-i which I believe is the only viewing program that Nikon is still updating (assuming they continue to do so). Until I updated my Apple system software, VX-i worked slowly but worked nevertheless. Now I get the stripes. My contention is that once Nikon catches up in their upgrades to this program, it will be able to access these striped nef's. However, I will not be using it in the meantime and if there is a better way, I may throw in the towel on all Nikon software altogether. For the foreseeable future, I will be using the finder or some other software to transfer files as you suggest.

Tom Hook

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2016, 18:50:07 »
Exactly what happened to me ! At first I thought I had developed a shutter or mirror problem, then surmised that it had to be the software as I had a Nef+Jpeg setting and the jpegs were without the black stripe ! Seems like a memory problem for the Nikon Transfer 2...
Anyhow I've shifted to Lightroom for downloading and placing my files in my exterior hard disk while cataloguing them. Seems to work nicely !

Thanks for the advice. I have Lightroom but have never really used it so perhaps will give it a try. Something will eventually reveal itself as a good solution!

Tom Hook

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Re: Capture NX2 broken on MAC OSX?
« Reply #29 on: December 23, 2016, 19:04:49 »
Set up a powerful Linux box and run visual machines inside it. Then you can get stable OS ecosystems over really long time spans. No need to "upgrade" the OS continuously.

With decent hardware, the performance penalty of going the virtual route is minimal.

Thanks Bjorn. I am sure you're right, but your solution is incomprehensible to me and setting up a whole new system of hardware and software is too daunting a prospect. It would probably reduce me to pulling out my hair in a fit of frustration and despair!