My four year old dog Angel also loves to run and run and run, she will hardly walk anywhere if she can run instead. She also loves to jump. When she jumps up onto our bed, which is pretty, high she gives it another jump after landing just for fun. She can spring herself straight up onto a kitchen table effortlessly and land fixed to the spot.
When I saw your photograph I went outside with Angel and took some quick Jpegs of her running in our backyard before it became dark, just a few seconds work. No snow where we live here in Shannon New Zealand but plenty of lush green grass and bush/forest. Not a great photograph but a beautiful dog enjoying the thrill of being and feeling alive, that can't be denied.
Taken with a D810 and AF-S 28 - 70 mm 2.8 D. Cropped to about 15 to 20 % of original.