Author Topic: The Phantom 3A Quadrocopter for Photography  (Read 21738 times)

Bjørn J

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Re: The Phantom 3A Quadrocopter for Photography
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2018, 14:19:28 »
So I bought a Inspire, now I’ve sold the Inspire and bought the P4pro+ which works like a dream.. I thought, but now, after I’ve gone trough the pictures I see that infinity focus is not good at all! I really don’t understand why!! Do this sound familiar to any of you guys??
What can I do??

There are many variables involved here. First, are you looking at the DNG or the JPG-files?
What is your camera and focus setup in the DJI Go app? MF or AF? AFC? Tap focus enabled? Focus assist enabled?
I have a P4Pro and two P4A (same 20Mpix camera) and have had no focus issues with any of them.
A good idea is to let the bird stand still on the ground somewhere so you don't have to concentrate on flying, but only on the camera. Let the camera point to somewhere far away with objects that is easy to focus on, and try different focus settings, and learn how each of them work.
Bjørn Jørgensen

Sören Hese

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Re: The Phantom 3A Quadrocopter for Photography
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2018, 16:41:39 »
Would also adjoin to Björn Js statements, also helpful to shoot a testtarget from above with at least 1/500s and than changing from f2.8 to f4 f5.6 and f8. Tap AF and check in the loupe view your focus.
Regards! Sören

Bjørn J

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Re: The Phantom 3A Quadrocopter for Photography
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2018, 17:13:29 »
Would also adjoin to Björn Js statements, also helpful to shoot a testtarget from above with at least 1/500s and than changing from f2.8 to f4 f5.6 and f8. Tap AF and check in the loupe view your focus.
Regards! Sören

Yes, aperture is important! Phantom 4 is sharpest at f4 and 4.5. f2.8 is surprisngly good. But at f8 and espescially f11 sharpness decreases dramatically. Mostly beacuse of diffraction of course, but I believe the lens is optimized for larger apertures.
Bjørn Jørgensen