I have been having an issue for a while - and need some input please
Often of my images have a blue/green cast to them. Especially if there is a lot of foliage /grass etc in the image - but not necessarily.
While this could be a WB issue - is there a chance that my camera body has a color issue /setting that can be changed? What am I missing?
I think I am doing something wrong - so your thoughts suggestions might be very helpful.
I typically shoot on WB 5400 - 5600 or thereabouts.
1- Why are you shooting generally at K5400 - 5600?
2- Why do you have an Exposure Compensation of +1/3 on both images?
3- Why your Color Temperature on the first image is 5350
4- Why your Color Temperature on the second image is 5400
5- Why is the Tint on the first image +6
6- Why is the Tint on the second image +20
7- Why is your Black clipped
8- Why is Your magenta peaking in the midtones.
And why are you using yesteryears Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 9.1.1 for D810. Do you really think Adobe got it right?
There is nothing wrong with your camera. Set it back to default and stop tempering with the settings if you are not familiar with it.
Why and How did you decide to stick to one/two color temps....Why? Are you using gut feeling? Zodiac signs or a Sekonic 700R color meter of some kind?
Now repeat after me> I will not play around with the Camera color settings and will use Auto WB.
And write down the following sentence 100 times: I will not use Adobe CR but only C1P.
Put up a poster in the washroom: Post Processing is 50% of Photography.
Have an Ice Cream in the mean time......Strawberry Flavour...