Acquisition is scheduled for tomorrow (bank account back to > 0), but thanks anyway.
"No way back"? there will be lots of back-and-forths as usual. I keep oscillating between the latest Zeiss 50/2 and the old Nikkor 50/2, being equally satisfied by both, for very different reasons. So far the Nikkor ergonomics are best: full stop aperture clicks for instance are best for "instinctive" shooting, never looking at the aperture scale. This is where the summicron lacks: half stops (too soft by the way), narrow scale, reversed compared with nikkors, and worst of all - the max aperture click is not at the end of the throw, you may turn the ring past it (with no effect of course on aperture). I anticipate this to be the biggest issue, especially since I'll have to open the diaph for focussing and close it again. But that's probably the only one, and since I intend to use the lens mainly at f/2-f/4, a zone where stopped-down focussing remains acceptable, I'll take the risk. I have used the PC 35/2.8 this way, and still enjoyed it.
Sunday will be my first stay ever in Madrid, and I guess the 50/2 will make the trip and see extensive usage, night and day.