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Do you do projects?

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elsa hoffmann:
I have 2 projects lined up - for the past 8 years at least. I think I have done almost nothing about it though - but I still am adamant that I will one day complete them. This thread is a reminder that I should follow through.....
Maybe I will make a break in the next 12 months. Both are books with specific themes - the one is more viable I think - so I should move my behind and do something about it.

Peter Connan:
I start projects frequently.

Some even come close to completion, although they are seldom ever really completed. I also tend to have more than one going at any one time, although the last few years I have tried to limit that.

Most of them are not photographic in nature though.

Currently I am busy building an off-road camping trailer. This one has a deadline: it needs to be ready for an (already booked) family camping holiday to Namibia in April next year. Part of this will be a large 4-person roof-top tent I started making a few years ago, and although we have used it a number of times, it is still not quite finished.

My only photographic project to date does not have a deadline though: collecting photos of Southern African bird species. I have been busy for about three years, and currently have around 250 species (out of a possible 1000), so quite a long way to go though.

elsa hoffmann:
Wow Peter - thats quite a lot. I have never bothered to count what I have photographed. I tend to ditch the bad ones - even if it is something I dont have in my portfolio. BTW found 2 more today I havent photographed before.

Peter Connan:
I'm afraid some of mine are hardly identifyable. Hopefully, I will get better shots of those.

This is the inspiration, and it's a pretty tall order:

Elsa, I would recommend you bookmark this page. I have found it a very valuable aid to identification.

If you want for any reason to develop an (un)healthy green tinge, also have a scratch in his dragonfly gallery...

John Geerts:

--- Quote from: Jyda on August 26, 2016, 09:16:51 ---An interesting project, John! Did you envision it as a project from the beginning or is it something that has evolved into a project?

--- End quote ---
Sorry for the late reply. This is something that started off as something else but evolved into a project. Any way around is possible of course  ;)


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