Reviews > Reviews by the NG Community

Nikon D600/610

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John Geerts:
Nice review Roland.

D600 is a great Camera. But what I dislike most is the impossibility to review in one click with the OK button, which is possible with all other Nikon higher-end camera's. And I don't like you can't save uncompressed RAW files.

What I do like is the storage capacity, with two cheap 16GB SD cards as you also mention, you have an enormous capacity. 

For manual focussing, in bad light, focus first, check green dot, and then frame. Works always. 

For ISO control with manual lenses, you can use the Auto-ISO, just enter the desired minimum shutter-speed. The 'AUTO'-Shutter speed'  is always a dangerous one. It's part of my routine when changing lenses.

When light is pretty stable I choose a fixed ISO value.


--- Quote from: Frank Fremerey on July 18, 2016, 12:44:31 ---The multi exposure is intentionally castrated on the more "amateur" cameras like the D600. Pity. The D500 supports up to 10 shots with several different "layer blending" and exposure compensation. See my "10 scotch castle" series...

--- End quote ---

Is the multiple exposure overlay mode option new with the D500?
I'm only familiar with the auto gain feature for blending.

Frank Fremerey:
Charly. I feel there are more options in the menu than I have in my other cameras.

As far as I remember I had gain compensation on and off in the older models. Now I have a selection.
I did not try them all yet.

Bjørn Rørslett:
The ability to turn off 'Auto Gain' when doing multiple exposures has been there with all Nikon models I can remember.

I much prefer this option set OFF as it makes multiple digital exposures behave like the analogous procedure on film.

Yes, but on the D500 it would appear as though there are several options for overlay modes: Add (equivalent to auto gain off), Average (equivalent to auto gain on), Lighten, & Darken. I've never seen that in a Nikon before and wondered if the D500 was the first.


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