(I do my best to carry a small package of humor in my pocket, at all times…hence the nickname.) Feel free to call me Steve. (I became quite tired of the "Sell Me" photo forums elsewhere & Mr. R's reviews & insight has helped me tremendously.)
My great grandfather migrated to the United States, from Oslo, Norway.
I reside in the heart of US, Pennsylvania, "Dutch Country," where their culture does not condone photography of any such sorts. I respect that.
When everyone was upgrading to AF, I bought the spoils & have a small collection and shot film from a "bit of everything." I honestly wish they made a digital FM, (with a screen the size of the film holder, manual focus, with an aperture ring.)
As a lad I worked in heavy industry. I'm 57 years young & realize I should have gone the college route. My joy of employment involved a 20 year stretch as an optician. I measured, fabricated & dispensed eyeglasses. I worked and managed optical departments for M.D, DO Doctorates & Mom & Pop facilities.
Why am I here?
If I pile all my Nikon stuff into my hatchback, I would have a picture similar to the one the "Great Bear," has posted on his older website. I have 3-35mm format Nikon & Kodak's, cameras & 3- Nikon, half, DX frame. By default, I'm a Macro Guy, but enjoy documenting varying pieces of the old decaying barns & pretty much anything that resembles things of long, 100's of years ago.
Last count, I have over 30 Nikon mount lenses, bellows, reversing rings, hardware, etc. Oh gosh.....How many bags, backpacks & velcro dividers are amid my home?
I love capturing a beautiful moment, so I can save & relive it for a rainy day.
Thank you for being here.