Michael, to be honest I can see no difference between the quality of the photos you post from the K1 than from the other cameras you use.
I will take your word that there is a difference, but perhaps it is not really obvious at the file sized used for sharing on the web?
Also, as I understand it, the process is one of taking a number of photos and combining them. Unfortunately, almost nothing I take photos of stands still for long enough to do this. Even when shooting night starscapes, I am pushing the limits of shutter speed versus movement just to gather enough light (or rather to minimize ISO noise). In this situation, you generally have some static objects and some moving ones.
Using masks in Photoshop it is possible to seperate these elements, in a batch of photos, stack the batches together and later re-combine these elements. So in other words, doing the same thing the K1 does, but selectively and with a far greater number of photos. Much more work I am sure, but I wonder if these same techniques could not be used before focus stacking?