The false-colour palette one gets in UV photography, presumingg a "false UV-white" balance is set against a spectrally flat target and a broad-band UV transmitting filter is used, may at first seem restricted and not conducive to colour photography. However, this apparent constraint is soon forgotten when you commence practical shooting. And if need be, you can always arrange colours differently. After all, they are false and perceptions of the human mind as such anyway.
This photograph is composed of three frames pulled off a UV video shot with the Panasonic GH-2 (hand-held) and the Coastal Optics APO 60 mm f/4 lens. Filtration is the Baader U2" (Venus) in its second generation. Colour balance was set against a UV-neutral PTFE target (kindly supplied by Vivek Iyer).
These frames were pulled off a UV video and combined at will. I tracked vehicles on the nearby highway. Plus did another video clip containing a sPS.eries of close-ups of people with sunglasses. Later, I extracted still frames from these video clips and combined in Photoshop. You will not get very high resolution, but this kind of graphical imagery survives unscathed.