I found the manual for the P66 dual and it seems there is a part no. for the 35mm lens conversion set.
Other places in the manual they talk about a "reducing tube".
Maybe conversion set is with 35mm condenser and everything and may be the reason for not trying to get it and be happy with the 120mm and 6x6 condenser system. If worked great with 24x35 also and the only projector I had which was 100% sharp from corner to corner. The Leica projectors I had......like P150, P300 or P600 IR had some small alignment problems.....if you looked very carefully. I never had a "tank version" like P2002.
Well, the 35mm condensor would be nice if you felt the need for more light when projecting 35mm slides. If not the reducing tube is the only part you need to use matching 35mm projection lenses. There are several tube diameters for 35mm projection lenses though, and the original reducing tube may reduce to a different diameter than you need for the Leitz lens. My 35mm Rollei lenses are in 42.5mm diameter, but they may have used different sizes as well.
Do you know if the real 65mm conversion kit used to end up with M42 mount using the Leica lens...….the set screws to fix the lens for infinity focus…..does the set screws go deep into the metal tube of the lens?
There isn't a fixed conversion kit for any specific lens, there are parts you mix and match to suit your lens and camera. I for one don't use the 65mm versions, but 58mm as I already had several parts for it. A kit would consist of a ring to fix the projection lens to a helicoid, the helicoid itself and an adapter between the helicoid and your camera of choice.
Most (but not all) rings for fixing the projection lens to a suitable thread have an internal metal strip, protecting the projection lens from the set screws and distributing the clamping force.
The total length of adapters and helicoid must be short enough that you can get infinity focus. Ideally you get the longest helicoid that will just allow you to do that. Short helicoids have a short focus range, longer ones are much more convenient.