It was March 11th when Charlie pointed out the lens in ebay...Bjørn offered the chip in June 27th so it has been a long way for all the steps.
Received the chip fast and easy as is normal now when dealing with Mr. Rørslett -thanks again- with a template to make the holes for attaching it to the mount at the right place. Luck has it, I was out of town for a month and a half when this happened. I had a friend pick it up, mark the mount and return the template all through whatsapp
It turns out he did it perfectly except for the fact that he send back to Bjørn the template AND the chip. Our Fierce Bear contacted me with the situation, offered a solution at no cost -for me- and fixed it fast -thanks, again, I´m blushing-
I had the lens, the mount mounted and marked and the CPU in is contact block, all together in the same room at the same time. While trying to make the wholes, I lost one of the tiny tiny screws and never got it back. Tow more friends to the rescue: one makes glasses and has lots of tiny screws lying around gave me a spare; one, who makes jewelry, performed the perforations and put everything in place.
I though the 4th contact pin should be aligned with a piece of the mount and wasnt´the case and that made my wonder. Should have had more faith.
Back at home one of the screws fell out when trying to mount the lens for the first time. Fell into the floor and disappear. When looking for it, I found it AND -I swear- the one I lost a week ago! Put it back in place again with some effort.
Now everything is in place and working. The lens sends the right information to the camera -100mm 1.6- and works in every mode, with very good exposure and with TTL flash.
It sound like an epic journey but it was easy except for my clumsiness. I will do it again. It is fun and satisfying to complete.
Now I have two Rodenstocks